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50 results for Ministry of Business innovation and Employment

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Updated List of Accredited Employers New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 27 Aug 2022  —  Modified 16 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified (20 Jul 2023)

643 votes

Raw material for manufacturing New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 19 Jun 2022  —  Modified 23 Jun 2022 Status: Agency notified

1 vote

Statutory Holiday JSON New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 19 Jun 2022  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified (15 Dec 2023)

5 votes

Managed Isolation and Quarantine Returnee Survey Experiences

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 8 Dec 2021  —  Modified 1 Mar 2022 Status: Agency responded (1 Mar 2022) Response: Other

0 votes

Border MIQ - actual throughput

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 5 Aug 2021  —  Modified 12 Jan 2022 Status: Agency responded (16 Aug 2021) Response: Other

4 votes

Women in STEM Workforce

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 18 May 2021  —  Modified 28 Feb 2024 Status: Agency responded (4 Mar 2022) Response: Different agency responsible

9 votes

Data concering imports under HS 2004.10.00 New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 6 Jan 2021  —  Modified 8 Jan 2021 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

List from The Companies Office New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 11 Aug 2020  —  Modified 29 Oct 2022 Status: Agency notified

1 vote

GLN Business Location Data New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 28 May 2020  —  Modified 12 Oct 2021 Status: Agency notified

5 votes

Government Electronic Tender Service New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 22 Aug 2019  —  Modified 26 Feb 2020 Status: Agency notified

4 votes

Auckland Rent By Suburbs New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 30 Jan 2019  —  Modified 3 Jul 2019 Status: Agency notified

3 votes

Companies Office records

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 14 Jun 2018  —  Modified 20 Aug 2018 Status: Agency responded (19 Jun 2018) Response: Data does not exist

4 votes

Register of earthquake-prone buildings

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 12 Jun 2018  —  Modified 21 May 2023 Status: Agency responded (20 Jul 2018) Response: Investigating options

7 votes

Public Holidays in CSV/XLXS format

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 12 Apr 2018  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (8 May 2018) Response: Other

69 votes

Department of Labour Half Yearly Employment Information Survey - 1978 to 1988

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 21 Mar 2018  —  Modified 6 Nov 2018 Status: Agency responded (10 Apr 2018) Response: Escalated

6 votes

Current New Zealand Radio and Spectrum LIcenses

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 8 Mar 2018  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (26 Mar 2018) Response: Other

9 votes

Public Holidays New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 26 Feb 2018  —  Modified 30 Apr 2021 Status: Agency notified

18 votes

incorporated societies New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 27 Oct 2016  —  Modified 17 Apr 2018 Status: Agency notified

6 votes

Median rental prices by TA & by suburb New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 8 Feb 2016  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified

7 votes

Historical public holidays back to 1980 New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 4 Jul 2015  —  Modified 4 Jul 2023 Status: Agency notified (9 Jul 2015)

1 vote

Bulk sale price data for individual houses

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 15 May 2014  —  Modified 19 Feb 2024 Status: Agency responded (19 May 2014) Response: Different agency responsible

83 votes

New Zealand national and local holidays calendars

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 20 Jan 2014  —  Modified 16 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (2 Nov 2021) Response: Request received

157 votes

Building Occupancy (Commercial, Residential, industrial)

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 18 Oct 2013  —  Modified 31 May 2021 Status: Agency responded (16 Apr 2014) Response: More information required about request

82 votes

Register of Radio Frequencies New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 11 Oct 2013  —  Modified 20 Dec 2022 Status: Agency notified

9 votes

Cell tower sites

Ministry of Business innovation and Employment

Created: 16 Sep 2011  —  Modified 2 May 2024 Status: Agency responded (3 May 2017) Response: Other

76 votes
