Name and careers website of employers who completed their application for the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme by sector
Previously, the list of accredited employers was published in the NZ Immigration website. However, when the AEWV scheme was launched, the list was no longer available.
increasing the awareness of migrant workers with temporary visa and their knowledge of potential employers who could sponsor for work and possibly extend their length of stay in New Zealand. This would also help the migrant workers verify if the employers offering them permanent job offer are indeed accredited.
Request received
Information on Accredited Employers is publicly available on the Immigration New Zealand website at the following link: Please note: • Accredited Employers can choose not to have their accreditation information published on our website, therefore our website may not show all accredited employers. • Before a worker can apply for an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), employers must first be approved employer accreditation under the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) policy, advertise the role, and then apply for and be approved a Job Check. Once these steps have been successfully completed to Immigration New Zealand’s satisfaction, the employer can invite the migrants to apply for the work visa. The required experience and qualifications for the job employers offer must match the approved Job Check. More information on the AEWV process can be found here: If you require further official information on the AEWV, please submit your request to The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment will be able to assess your request and provide a response to you under the Official Information Act. For ease of processing, if you are able to reference ‘OIA for details of Accredited Employers through the AEWV scheme’ in the subject of the email, that would be much appreciated.
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