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Earthquake Prone, Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings

Department of Building and Housing

Created: 6 Apr 2011  —  Modified 10 Jul 2019 Status: Agency responded (26 Jun 2019) Response: Awaiting moderation

33 votes

raw data from traffic enforcement cameras

New Zealand Police

Created: 6 Apr 2011  —  Modified 16 Oct 2015 Status: Agency responded (8 Aug 2011) Response: Data not suitable for release

13 votes

NZ Historic Places Trust Register New

Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga

Created: 6 Apr 2011  —  Modified 10 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified (10 Apr 2024)

62 votes

NZ Localities

New Zealand Fire Service Commission

Created: 6 Apr 2011  —  Modified 18 Jan 2021 Status: Agency responded (6 Aug 2020) Response: Request received

103 votes

Property & Rating Valuation Data

Quotable Value Limited

Created: 6 Apr 2011  —  Modified 27 Jul 2024 Status: Agency responded (15 Apr 2011) Response: Data not suitable for release

179 votes

Government financials

The Treasury

Created: 1 Apr 2011  —  Modified 16 Oct 2015 Status: Agency responded (6 Apr 2011) Response: More information required about request

8 votes

Travel and the value to the tax payer

Public Service Commission

Created: 1 Apr 2011  —  Modified 8 Oct 2022 Status: Agency responded (8 Apr 2011) Response: Data not available for release

8 votes
