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9 results for Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

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NZTA-WK Work Categories New

Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

Created: 23 Jul 2024  —  Modified 23 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

Vehicle count and classifications ( % HGV etc.) for junction of Blackbyre Road and SH60 Nelson

Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

Created: 5 Apr 2024  —  Modified 2 May 2024 Status: Agency responded (2 May 2024) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

Data on distribution of Green Infrastructure elements in urban transportation New

Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

Created: 5 Apr 2024  —  Modified 19 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified (19 Apr 2024)

0 votes

Motor Vehicle Registration New

Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

Created: 11 Jun 2023  —  Modified 30 Aug 2023 Status: Agency notified (22 Aug 2023)

3 votes

Accredited Employer LIST New

Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

Created: 24 Jan 2023  —  Modified 23 Aug 2023 Status: Agency notified (22 Aug 2023)

0 votes

speed limits - NZTA highways northland

Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

Created: 21 Jun 2021  —  Modified 29 Jun 2021 Status: Agency responded (29 Jun 2021) Response: More information required about request

0 votes

Warrant of Fitness completed by Testing Station compared to Mechanic shops

Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

Created: 3 Jun 2021  —  Modified 31 Mar 2023 Status: Agency responded (4 Jun 2021) Response: More information required about request

1 vote

Vehicle Makes & Models Dataset

Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

Created: 17 Nov 2016  —  Modified 4 Jul 2024 Status: Agency responded (14 Feb 2017) Response: Request received

12 votes

Car Registration pre 1975 New

Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

Created: 31 Mar 2013  —  Modified 22 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified (23 May 2014)

7 votes
