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Vehicle Makes & Models Dataset

Our company is in the process of creating a website based in New Zealand for our network of vehicle dealers and are looking for a complete dataset of all passenger vehicles in New Zealand including the following vehicle details for each: • Years • Makes • Models • Vehicle body type • Transmission • Engine Size • GVM • Fuel Type • Country of origin • Fuel economy/UCSR/ANCAP Safety ( Are you able to please send me through an estimated price for obtaining this data along with any other relevant information such as information included, update schedules, ongoing costs and data format etc. If you have any other similar services or data that you believe would be useful to us, please feel free to send that information through as well. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Not being able to find a reliable source of information

Providing a reliable source of vehicle details

Response from
Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

Request received

This dataset is now available here:


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