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Data on distribution of Green Infrastructure elements in urban transportation

Urban transport network in Dunedin Urban transport network in Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington Distribution of nature based solutions in Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington Distribution of flooding infrastructure both green and traditional in Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington Distribution of Green infrastructure elements like parks, street trees, green spaces, green roofs and walls, green corridor, swales, among others in Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington

I am a PhD student working on the topic, "Green Infrastructure Integration for Urban Transportation Systems in Sustainable and Resilient Cities: Dunedin (Aotearoa New Zealand) Case Study". I am doing a comparative study between Dunedin and the aforementioned cities. Opening this data will be able to analyze the effects of GI in building urban resilience in Dunedin and New Zealand as a whole. It will aid government in developing their regional infrastructure strategy, district plan including future development strategies, LTPs among others.

There are likely sources for obtaining this data which includes,
Dunedin City Council
Christchurch City Council, Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, Wellington City Council, among others.

Response from
Waka Kotahi (NZTA)

Different agency responsible

The data may be sourced from the agencies listed. Dunedin City Council Christchurch City Council, Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, Wellington City Council. Recommend that you contact them directly.

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