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9 results for Wellington City Council

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Property and land sales data New

Wellington City Council

Created: 30 Aug 2022  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified

18 votes

Karori Cemetery plot data New

Wellington City Council

Created: 18 Feb 2019  —  Modified 21 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified

9 votes

Details about Wellington Car Parks

Wellington City Council

Created: 17 May 2017  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (31 Jul 2017) Response: Data not available for release

6 votes

Wellington car parks status information New

Wellington City Council

Created: 16 Dec 2016  —  Modified 20 Oct 2017 Status: Agency notified

4 votes

car parking lots

Wellington City Council

Created: 16 Dec 2016  —  Modified 2 Jun 2020 Status: Agency responded (22 Dec 2016) Response: Investigating options

10 votes

Councillor Voting Records for Wellington City Council

Wellington City Council

Created: 20 Jul 2016  —  Modified 29 Jun 2023 Status: Agency responded (21 Jul 2016) Response: Data not available for release

11 votes

EQ prone buildings data in Wellington

Wellington City Council

Created: 13 Oct 2015  —  Modified 18 Apr 2018 Status: Agency responded (19 Nov 2015) Response: Other

5 votes

Free and paid council parking locations within Wellington City

Wellington City Council

Created: 9 Mar 2015  —  Modified 18 Apr 2017 Status: Agency responded (11 Mar 2015) Response: Request received

10 votes

Earthquake Prone Buildings in a machine readable format. New

Wellington City Council

Created: 30 Jul 2013  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified

6 votes
