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Free and paid council parking locations within Wellington City

locations of streets or buildings where free, timelimited and paid council parking is available within the CBD of the above citys. Excel spreadsheet format would be suitable.

best use of free parking resources within each of the CBD

allowing ratepayers to see where council parking is available before paying for privately owned parking

Response from
Wellington City Council

Request received

Thank you for your request.

I have asked staff to look into the level of detail we are able to provide, and to come back to me with their findings. I will correspond with you in more detail when I have further information to provide.

Kind regards

Wellington City Council

1 Comment

  • Chris Brown (Wellington City Council)

    Council staff are currently working to upload a list of all available parking in the streets of the Wellington CBD to the Council's website.

    Once the information has been uploaded to the Council website, I will provide you with a copy, and a link to the Council's website page that provides information on parking in Wellington

    Kind regards

    Chris Brown | Issues Resolution Officer | Governance Directorate | Wellington City Council
    P 04 803 8368 | M 021 227 8368 | F 04 801 3200
    E | W
