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53 results for Statistics New Zealand

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Please update - Childless women as percentage of age cohorts.

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 16 Oct 2021  —  Modified 19 Oct 2021 Status: Agency responded (19 Oct 2021) Response: Awaiting moderation

0 votes

Detailed Unemployment Data - Short/Long-term discouraged workers, marginally-attached workers, etc.

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 12 Sep 2021  —  Modified 18 Sep 2023 Status: Agency responded (13 Sep 2021) Response: Request received

0 votes

List of NZ Postcodes

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 27 Jul 2021  —  Modified 24 Jun 2024 Status: Agency responded (27 Jun 2023) Response: Request received

19 votes

regions, cities, towns and suburbs

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 11 Jun 2021  —  Modified 21 Jun 2024 Status: Agency responded (11 Jun 2021) Response: Awaiting moderation

11 votes

Request shapefile of New Zealand’s provinces, 1853–1876 from Te Ara

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 20 May 2021  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (24 May 2021) Response: Request received

1 vote

Postcode populations

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 8 Apr 2021  —  Modified 4 Jul 2024 Status: Agency responded (5 Apr 2022) Response: Data does not exist

4 votes

Historical averages of property values broken down into land and improvements

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 27 Mar 2021  —  Modified 29 May 2023 Status: Agency responded (29 Mar 2021) Response: Data not available for release

5 votes

"budget by industry" and 2020 or 2021 (to

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 20 Nov 2020  —  Modified 28 Nov 2020 Status: Agency responded (23 Nov 2020) Response: Request received

2 votes

Nationwide Building Permits Issue Data

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 19 Nov 2020  —  Modified 19 Nov 2020 Status: Agency responded (19 Nov 2020) Response: Request received

0 votes

The business practices of New Zealand firms, including using IT, management practices, and innovation.

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 20 Oct 2020  —  Modified 20 Oct 2020 Status: Agency responded (20 Oct 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

All New Zealand Town and City names in a csv

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 23 Jan 2020  —  Modified 9 Jul 2024 Status: Agency responded (1 Feb 2022) Response: Request received

26 votes

Deaths by area, (regional councils), by age group, cause of death, and ethnicity

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 21 Oct 2019  —  Modified 13 Nov 2019 Status: Agency responded (22 Oct 2019) Response: Awaiting moderation

1 vote

Māori and general electoral population by small local area

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 7 Aug 2019  —  Modified 9 Feb 2020 Status: Agency responded (21 Nov 2019) Response: Other

1 vote

Graduate jobs in New Zealand from 2003-2017 New

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 23 Mar 2019  —  Modified 26 Mar 2019 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

Consumers Price Index

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 7 Feb 2018  —  Modified 8 Oct 2022 Status: Agency responded (8 Feb 2018) Response: Dataset submitted

3 votes

Permanent and Long-term immigration

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 15 Jan 2018  —  Modified 7 Apr 2018 Status: Agency responded (16 Jan 2018) Response: Other

11 votes

Linked employer employee data (LEED) 2011 to 2016

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 22 Jun 2017  —  Modified 7 Apr 2018 Status: Agency responded (23 Jun 2017) Response: Other

5 votes

population statistics New

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 23 Aug 2016  —  Modified 30 Jan 2018 Status: Agency notified

4 votes


Statistics New Zealand

Created: 30 Oct 2015  —  Modified 18 Apr 2018 Status: Agency responded (2 Nov 2015) Response: Request received

3 votes

New Zealand General Social Survey CURF

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 10 Sep 2014  —  Modified 18 Apr 2018 Status: Agency responded (12 Sep 2014) Response: More information required about request

3 votes

industrial production

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 12 Aug 2014  —  Modified 18 Oct 2022 Status: Agency responded (9 Sep 2019) Response: Request received

0 votes

Number of Tongan children born between 2009- 2013 living in Tawa and Porirua

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 15 May 2014  —  Modified 31 May 2018 Status: Agency responded Response: Data sent to requester

61 votes

Wheelchair users

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 12 Dec 2013  —  Modified 14 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (10 May 2022) Response: Awaiting moderation

81 votes

Workplace Injuries and Deaths

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 2 Dec 2013  —  Modified 19 Oct 2015 Status: Dataset already listed

81 votes

Statistics NZ Classifications Data

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 5 Sep 2013  —  Modified 30 Jan 2018 Status: Agency responded (20 Sep 2013) Response: Other

6 votes
