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Postcode populations

Can you provide population for each postcode in New Zealand. An excel spreadsheet would be appreciated

Routing, manning and scheduling delivery and installation issues for service companies

Allocating resourcing by population potential demand

Response from
Statistics New Zealand

Data does not exist

Hello Statistics NZ does not use postcodes in its geographic standards. They have different boundaries to official statistical areas and are copyright to NZ Post. See the link below for the statistical geographic standard. Regards Information Centre team, Stats NZ


  • Paul Khosla

    Hi, Please can you help me find with finding the population numbers in New Zealand based on the Zip Codes nationally, according to the data and statistics held by your organization? I have been able to get the list of the ZIP codes and the names of the towns/Cities but would like to add the population numbers for the same for the project I am doing. Thank you in advance for the help. Yes I have read the comments above and am hoping that things have changed with the time and technology passing.

  • lisa brink

    request to download
