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20 results for Land Information New Zealand

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Consented Bedroom & Bathroom numbers

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 2 Jul 2024  —  Modified 3 Jul 2024 Status: Agency responded (3 Jul 2024) Response: Other

0 votes

database for accomodation

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 20 Jun 2024  —  Modified 3 Jul 2024 Status: Agency responded (3 Jul 2024) Response: Data does not exist

0 votes

land use zoning for the whole of NZ

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 17 May 2024  —  Modified 4 Jun 2024 Status: Agency responded (2 Jun 2024) Response: Other

2 votes

Soil temperature Data New

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 20 Mar 2024  —  Modified 21 Mar 2024 Status: Agency notified (21 Mar 2024)

0 votes

Historic migrations and land ownership New

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 16 Feb 2024  —  Modified 20 Feb 2024 Status: Agency notified (20 Feb 2024)

0 votes

NZ Aerial Photos New

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 19 Dec 2023  —  Modified 10 Jan 2024 Status: Agency notified (20 Dec 2023)

1 vote

Okoheriki New

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 2 Nov 2023  —  Modified 3 Nov 2023 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

NZ Post Codes

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 16 Jan 2023  —  Modified 18 Jan 2023 Status: Agency responded (18 Jan 2023) Response: Different agency responsible

0 votes

P1003 Stewart Island Bathymetry

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 23 Dec 2021  —  Modified 16 Jul 2022 Status: Agency responded (10 Jan 2022) Response: More information required about request

3 votes

All postcodes New

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 16 Aug 2021  —  Modified 10 Mar 2023 Status: Agency notified

5 votes

Parks and reserves New

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 9 Jul 2021  —  Modified 3 Sep 2021 Status: Agency notified

1 vote

Elevation data

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 7 Jul 2020  —  Modified 27 Aug 2020 Status: Agency responded (22 Jul 2020) Response: Awaiting moderation

2 votes

Latitude & Longitude of street addresses

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 27 Jun 2019  —  Modified 18 Dec 2022 Status: Agency responded (4 Jul 2019) Response: Dataset submitted

4 votes

Murupara District

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 12 Oct 2018  —  Modified 16 Oct 2018 Status: Agency responded (16 Oct 2018) Response: Other

0 votes

Public Access Easements - Crown Forest Licences over Crown lands New

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 15 Jun 2016  —  Modified 9 Oct 2023 Status: Agency notified

7 votes

Maps of the Services in the Avon RRZ

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 13 Jun 2016  —  Modified 20 Oct 2017 Status: Agency responded (18 Jul 2016) Response: Different agency responsible

1 vote

NZ Localities

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 27 May 2016  —  Modified 20 Oct 2017 Status: Agency responded (7 Aug 2017) Response: Awaiting moderation

4 votes

Radius and Circumference of Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 15 May 2016  —  Modified 9 May 2020 Status: Agency responded (13 Jun 2016) Response: Other

3 votes

Street address longitude/latitude

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 5 Feb 2015  —  Modified 10 Sep 2022 Status: Agency responded (2 Mar 2015) Response: Request received

33 votes

Local Council Property Data New

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 20 Aug 2013  —  Modified 23 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified

15 votes
