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Street address longitude/latitude

A data set with the coordinates of street addresses in New Zealand

Allow researchers or students to geocode for research purposes.

Response from
Land Information New Zealand

Request received

I suggest you download this and crop it to the area you want You'll need to download it as a csv file and make sure the map projection is WGS 84. The csv file will contain the longitude/latitude. Also, if you were to download as a shape file and open in GIS software. Click the info button over one of the features, it would also should you the lat and long.


  • Andrew Crossland

    Needed for research into solar

  • Shikha Sharma


    I am a Sales and marketing student, I need this data for research work.

    Shikha Sharma

  • LINZ Data Service (Land Information New Zealand)

    LINZ street address data is available from the LINZ Data Service. See the following dataset: You can download the entire dataset or crop it to the area you want. The dataset contains the geographic coordinates. Export the file in csv format to view the coordinate values.

  • Ranjan Vaidya

    I am a lecturer and I teach data analytics . I need this data to teach location analytics in the MBA programme.
    Dr. Ranjan Vaidya

  • Charlotte Connell

    Need to use this dataset to geocode for research purposes
