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Consented Bedroom & Bathroom numbers

Primarily for residential dwellings, we would like to see included in the DVR data formats fields for consented Bedroom & Bathroom figures. I understand this data is not currently held so may need to be legislated to update the Rating Valuation rules to require the collection of the above fields.

At present there is no definitive dataset with these details as bedrooms are not maintained in DVR and there is no provision for bathrooms at all.

Industry players are going to great lengths to estimate/model the number of bedroom and bathrooms in residential dwellings, however given there are no clear definitive links between floor size and mass living area to accurately estimate, having access to consented data would be hugely beneficial to the greater property industry as a whole.

Response from
Land Information New Zealand


I have passed this request on to the Office of the Valuer-General for consideration in the current review of the Rating Valuation Rules.

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