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33 results for Auckland council

You can also request data by filling out the online Request data form.

Accredited NZ Employers Email and contact information New

Auckland Council

Created: 16 May 2024  —  Modified 2 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified

7 votes

Auckland - Wells and Bore locations New

Auckland Council

Created: 29 Feb 2024  —  Modified 2 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified

2 votes

Comprehensive Traffic, Weather, and Air Quality Data for Auckland New

Auckland Council

Created: 28 Nov 2023  —  Modified 7 May 2024 Status: Agency notified (1 Dec 2023)

9 votes

Auckland Council Boundaries New

Auckland Council

Created: 26 Oct 2023  —  Modified 7 Nov 2023 Status: Agency notified (2 Nov 2023)

0 votes

Significant Ecological Areas Auckland New

Auckland Council

Created: 18 Sep 2023  —  Modified 14 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified (19 Sep 2023)

5 votes

Park Extent New

Auckland Council

Created: 11 May 2023  —  Modified 6 Aug 2023 Status: Agency notified (18 May 2023)

2 votes

accredited employer list

Auckland Council

Created: 24 Oct 2022  —  Modified 12 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (12 Mar 2024) Response: Different agency responsible

0 votes

Email lists for general practitioners (doctors surgeries), physios, Chiropractors, medlabs and dentists in NZ

Auckland Council

Created: 22 Sep 2022  —  Modified 19 Oct 2022 Status: Agency responded (19 Oct 2022) Response: Awaiting moderation

17 votes

Long tail bat locations - Waitakere Ranges

Auckland council

Created: 9 Aug 2022  —  Modified 15 Sep 2022 Status: Agency responded (14 Sep 2022) Response: Data does not exist

0 votes

Areas Susceptible to Coastal Instability and Erosion (ASCIE)

Auckland Council

Created: 24 May 2022  —  Modified 27 Jun 2022 Status: Agency responded (30 May 2022) Response: Preparing data for release

1 vote

GeoJSON/KML Data for Rubbish/Recycling Days

Auckland Council

Created: 15 May 2022  —  Modified 17 Aug 2022 Status: Agency responded (23 May 2022) Response: More information required about request

4 votes

New Zealand Suburb, postcode, region, Province database

Auckland Council

Created: 4 Feb 2022  —  Modified 11 Mar 2022 Status: Agency responded (11 Mar 2022) Response: Request received

1 vote

Catchments and Hydrology (Geodatabase) Auckland Council New

Auckland Council

Created: 5 Nov 2021  —  Modified 2 May 2024 Status: Agency notified

2 votes

I am looking for floodplains or historical flooding data (for GIS use) for Auckland.

Auckland Council

Created: 16 Sep 2021  —  Modified 29 Mar 2023 Status: Agency responded (16 Sep 2021) Response: Escalated

2 votes

Catchments & Hydrology - Auckland

Auckland Council

Created: 18 Aug 2021  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (26 Aug 2021) Response: Request received

4 votes

Data request for all post code area boundaries in NZ

Auckland Council

Created: 18 Jun 2021  —  Modified 21 Jul 2023 Status: Agency responded (18 Jun 2021) Response: Request received

2 votes

information of all 78 local governments

Auckland Council

Created: 21 May 2021  —  Modified 18 Dec 2022 Status: Agency responded (28 May 2021) Response: Dataset submitted

3 votes

data request for Park Extend New

Auckland Council

Created: 13 Oct 2020  —  Modified 27 Mar 2022 Status: Agency notified

17 votes

Auckland Libraries Photographers Database

Auckland Council

Created: 18 Sep 2020  —  Modified 10 Jan 2024 Status: Agency responded (24 Sep 2020) Response: Preparing data for release

5 votes

5g tower sites Auckland New

Auckland Council

Created: 6 Apr 2020  —  Modified 6 May 2022 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

Tamaki Makaurau/Auckland ethnic and age demographics by suburb and region;

Auckland Council

Created: 6 Apr 2020  —  Modified 19 Jan 2022 Status: Agency responded (7 Apr 2020) Response: Different agency responsible

2 votes

Protected plants and animals - Oakley Creek (Auckland) New

Auckland Council

Created: 9 Mar 2020  —  Modified 9 Mar 2020 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

New Zealand Fire Suburbs

Auckland Council

Created: 2 Oct 2019  —  Modified 24 Feb 2021 Status: Agency responded (9 Oct 2019) Response: Different agency responsible

4 votes

RAMM Carriageway Table for Auckland

Auckland Council

Created: 1 Dec 2017  —  Modified 26 Jun 2023 Status: Agency responded (5 Dec 2017) Response: Preparing data for release

14 votes

Rubbish and Recycling Collection Dates

Auckland Council

Created: 28 Apr 2017  —  Modified 20 Apr 2023 Status: Agency responded (1 May 2017) Response: Other

19 votes
