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134 results for Accident Compensation Corporation

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NIHL Prevalence in contrast with other types of diseases and injuries

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 16 Apr 2021  —  Modified 16 Nov 2023 Status: Agency responded (19 May 2021) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

ACC horse injury claims

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 15 Apr 2021  —  Modified 24 Aug 2023 Status: Agency responded (7 Oct 2022) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

Cost of maxillofacial trauma

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 13 Apr 2021  —  Modified 18 Dec 2022 Status: Agency responded (15 Apr 2021) Response: Different agency responsible

3 votes

Data about permanent eye injuries by total claims, New claims, age, ethnicity, and gender

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 9 Apr 2021  —  Modified 29 Apr 2021 Status: Agency responded (29 Apr 2021) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

ACC claims records for injuries on State Highway 2 (Tongoio to Wairoa)

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 6 Apr 2021  —  Modified 10 Apr 2021 Status: Agency responded (8 Apr 2021) Response: Data does not exist

1 vote

Noise-induced hearing loss by total claims, New claims, age, ethnicity, and gender New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 5 Apr 2021  —  Modified 5 Oct 2021 Status: Agency notified

3 votes

Noise-induced hearing loss

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 5 Apr 2021  —  Modified 26 Oct 2022 Status: Agency responded (25 Oct 2022) Response: Dataset submitted

3 votes

soft tissue injury and claims in $ between 2002 and 2019

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 30 Mar 2021  —  Modified 19 Apr 2021 Status: Agency responded (19 Apr 2021) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

Education sector/State schools occupational health(disease related) claims data set

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 26 Mar 2021  —  Modified 22 Apr 2021 Status: Agency responded (21 Apr 2021) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

recreation industry injury claims data New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 1 Mar 2021  —  Modified 10 Apr 2021 Status: Agency notified

1 vote

Change in numbers of claims to ACC for epistaxis since covid swab testing has been happening.

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 1 Feb 2021  —  Modified 10 Apr 2021 Status: Agency responded (26 Feb 2021) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

ACC Carpal Tunnel Syndrome claims 2015-2020

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 14 Jan 2021  —  Modified 10 Apr 2021 Status: Agency responded (11 Feb 2021) Response: Dataset submitted

2 votes

Noise Induce Hearing Loss October 2020

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 15 Dec 2020  —  Modified 6 Sep 2023 Status: Agency responded (1 Feb 2021) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

Running Injury ACC Stats

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 17 Nov 2020  —  Modified 30 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (11 Dec 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

3 votes

The New Zealand cost of treating sepsis which is a result of accidents

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 28 Oct 2020  —  Modified 25 Nov 2020 Status: Agency responded (25 Nov 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

ACC NZ Forestry Incidents

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 27 Oct 2020  —  Modified 17 Feb 2023 Status: Agency responded (17 Nov 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

2 votes

Total cost of Diagnostic Imaging ACC Claims by modality New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 15 Oct 2020  —  Modified 24 Nov 2020 Status: Agency notified

15 votes

Total number of Diagnostic Imaging ACC Claims by modality

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 15 Oct 2020  —  Modified 1 Feb 2023 Status: Agency responded (10 Dec 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

23 votes

Anterior cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Statistics

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 13 Oct 2020  —  Modified 4 Nov 2020 Status: Agency responded (4 Nov 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

14 votes

Development years for motor accidents

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 24 Sep 2020  —  Modified 22 Oct 2020 Status: Agency responded (22 Oct 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

Injury details for ACC Claims

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 9 Sep 2020  —  Modified 8 Oct 2020 Status: Agency responded (8 Oct 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

Mild traumatic brain injury/concussion

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 8 Sep 2020  —  Modified 18 Dec 2022 Status: Agency responded (30 Sep 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

2 votes

Moderate - Severe TBI by region

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 3 Sep 2020  —  Modified 2 Oct 2020 Status: Agency responded (1 Oct 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote


Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 10 Aug 2020  —  Modified 23 Feb 2022 Status: Agency responded (4 Sep 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

Mobility scooter injuries

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 29 Jul 2020  —  Modified 5 Dec 2023 Status: Agency responded (14 Aug 2020) Response: Other

0 votes
