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134 results for Accident Compensation Corporation

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Accidents in Workplace (time of day they occurred) New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 4 Jun 2020  —  Modified 22 Jun 2020 Status: Agency notified (5 Jun 2020)

1 vote

Workplace accidents while under influence of drugs/alcohol New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 4 Jun 2020  —  Modified 9 Sep 2023 Status: Agency notified (5 Jun 2020)

3 votes

SME Injury Data 2017-2019

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 27 May 2020  —  Modified 17 Jun 2020 Status: Agency responded (17 Jun 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

Dance injuries

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 9 May 2020  —  Modified 8 Jun 2020 Status: Agency responded (5 Jun 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

Rape/sexual violence claims acc

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 8 May 2020  —  Modified 19 Dec 2022 Status: Agency responded (29 Jun 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

Claims of people with a disability that had an accident on a footpath

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 7 May 2020  —  Modified 27 May 2020 Status: Agency responded (27 May 2020) Response: Data does not exist

1 vote

Concussion/mild traumatic brain injury statistics

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 27 Apr 2020  —  Modified 31 Mar 2023 Status: Agency responded (17 Jun 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

Accidents in the workplace caused by fatigue

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 23 Apr 2020  —  Modified 13 Dec 2023 Status: Agency responded (15 May 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

4 votes

pedestrian claims

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 22 Apr 2020  —  Modified 13 May 2020 Status: Agency responded (13 May 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

ATV ACC claims 2000-2019

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 18 Apr 2020  —  Modified 13 May 2020 Status: Agency responded (13 May 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

Acc Sports Data New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 13 Feb 2020  —  Modified 12 Mar 2020 Status: Agency notified (12 Mar 2020)

4 votes

Occupational health New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 12 Feb 2020  —  Modified 29 Nov 2023 Status: Agency notified (20 Nov 2023)

0 votes

Injuries related to flooding

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 20 Jan 2020  —  Modified 6 Sep 2023 Status: Agency responded (4 Feb 2020) Response: Data not available for release

1 vote

Fire-related injuries New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 20 Jan 2020  —  Modified 2 Jul 2020 Status: Agency notified (2 Jul 2020)

0 votes

ACC official review outcome statistics

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 23 Dec 2019  —  Modified 12 Jun 2021 Status: Agency responded (10 Feb 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

3 votes

Average expense per claim by injury type in last 12 months

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 23 Dec 2019  —  Modified 11 May 2020 Status: Agency responded (13 Feb 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

2 votes

Sport concussion 2018

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 6 Dec 2019  —  Modified 16 Jan 2020 Status: Agency responded (16 Jan 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

Fall and claims

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 15 Nov 2019  —  Modified 16 Dec 2019 Status: Agency responded (16 Dec 2019) Response: Dataset submitted

3 votes

Fireworks related injuries in the Nelson/Tasman regions

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 6 Nov 2019  —  Modified 5 Dec 2019 Status: Agency responded (4 Dec 2019) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

Netball Injuries Wellington Netball season

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 20 Oct 2019  —  Modified 18 Nov 2019 Status: Agency responded (18 Nov 2019) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

ACC payouts on labral tears

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 10 Oct 2019  —  Modified 12 Nov 2019 Status: Agency responded (11 Nov 2019) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

Noise Induced hearing loss data

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 27 Sep 2019  —  Modified 25 Oct 2022 Status: Agency responded (25 Oct 2022) Response: Awaiting moderation

3 votes

injuries and fatalities that occurred during rafting and kayaking

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 20 Sep 2019  —  Modified 19 Jan 2021 Status: Agency responded (17 Oct 2019) Response: Dataset submitted

2 votes

rock climbing injuries and fatalities

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 20 Sep 2019  —  Modified 25 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (17 Oct 2019) Response: Dataset submitted

3 votes

financial cost of providing ISSC services

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 11 Sep 2019  —  Modified 31 May 2021 Status: Agency responded (17 Jun 2020) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes
