I would like to have a dataset of the time lag between the actual accident occurring and the time the accident has been reported. This would be related to the motor accidents for the past 10 years. This would include a list of the the number of accidents occurring for the specific year/month (can be aggregated for anonymity) and the year/month to when the actual reporting has occurred. I would also request the claim cost of each incident.
research into claim lag and development factors of the motor insurance. It would help determine the expected future liability of incurred but not reported expenses
Dataset submitted
Kia ora Please find the link below to the information as per your request. I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions about this response, please contact my team at analytics@acc.co.nz. Link to data: https://catalogue.data.govt.nz/dataset/motor-vehicle-injuries Yours sincerely Analytics & Reporting, ACC
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