Would it please be possible to make available ACC data that relates to injuries caused in or around the NZ Forestry Industry. Any information including: cause, injury type, date and time would be hugely appreciated. CSV format would be preferable. As many years worth as possible would also be great.
As part of ongoing research at the University of Waikato, I am investigating causes of injuries within the forestry industry. This is linked to a larger project, called Tini o te Hakituri, that is looking at using technology to keep forestry workers safer on the job. The more we know about how forestry related injuries are caused, the more we are able to tailor our solution to the industry.
Dataset submitted
Kia ora Please find the link below to the information as per your request. I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions about this response, please contact my team at analytics@acc.co.nz. Link to data: https://catalogue.data.govt.nz/dataset/forestry-industry-claims Kind regards Analytics & Reporting, ACC
2 Votes
Agency responded