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Algorithm Charter CoP: the rubber hits the road

At the fifth community of practice wānanga we reminded ourselves of the Charter Maturity Model and discussed our agencies’ maturity assessments, we learnt about one agency’s experience of the implications of vendors’ using AI, and reported on our progress and how we can support one another.

By Algorithm Charter Committee - Stats NZ,

from outer space

Fairness as the big opportunity for Aotearoa in AI

Aotearoa needs a powerful response to the rapid pace of change in artificial intelligence (AI). Read more from Nick Agar and Albert Bifet to see what they have to say about AI in Aotearoa.

By Nick Agar and Albert Bifet,
measuring tape

Algorithm Charter CoP: how mature are we?

At the fourth community of practice we were introduced to a maturity model we can apply to our mahi, challenged by a presentation on AI and prompted to review/use the recently-developed algorithm assessment tools in time for our next hui in June. 

By A Community of Practice member from New Zealand Police,
Algorithm charter blog post

Algorithm Charter for Aotearoa

At the third community of practice we focussed on what brings Community members to the hui, what challenges we are facing and how we could collaborate more. We also heard from the interim Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation on their mahi and intended direction.

By Community of Practice members from Police and Housing & Urban Development.,
and machines 2yClsTFXIcE unsplash

Is this algorithm harmful? New impact assessment tools released

Today Stats NZ released the Algorithm Impact Assessment toolkit. Read more about the process designed to support informed decision-making about the benefits and risks of government use of algorithms.

By Jocelyn Morrison,
Kirikowhai and audience

Māori Data Governance and Māori data aspirations

Stats NZ hosted it’s final Raraunga Ara Rau session for 2023. You can read about the event here.

By Sophia Travers,
How do we really bring the Charter to life

How do we really bring the Charter to life?

At the second community of practice hui, attendees brought their real experiences with the Algorithm Charter so they could share what had worked, what hadn’t, and, most of all, what they had learnt along the way.

By Jocelyn Morrison,
Craig Jones at Raraunga Ara Rau

Integrated data and indigenous data governance – an international academic perspective

Stats NZ and Social Wellbeing Agency hosted the most recent Raraunga Ara Rau session. Read more about the event here!

By Sophia Travers,
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Harnessing emerging technology to improve Kiwis’ lives

Our Interim Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation provides support to maximise opportunities from new and emerging data. Learn more about the centre and how you can get involved. 

By Fiona Wharton,
Megan Tapsell Dr Craig Jones Ali Knott Frith Tweedie and Rachel Kelly

Raraunga Ara Rau – ChatGPT and Generative AI

Our latest speaker series, Raraunga Ara Rau, took place last week at Stats NZ, talking all things generative AI. Read more about the event here!

By Sophia Travers,
Algorithm charter blog post

Challenge accepted: how transparent can we be with our algorithms?

At the first community of practice hui, interested agencies faced the task of figuring out what good transparency could, and should, look like.

By Deborah Brunning,

Institute of Environmental Science and Research inspired by the Algorithm Charter

The Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd (ESR) has developed a Responsible AI Framework guided by the Algorithm Charter for New Zealand. Read more about it here.

By Dion Sheppard,
Government design system

Government Data System Future Design Narrative

The first iteration of the Government Data System Future Design Narrative provides an early-stage ideation of what the Aotearoa New Zealand government data system could look like in future.

By Craig Jones,
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Calling for Expressions of Interest for joining the Data Ethics Advisory Group

We’re looking for new people to join the Data Ethics Advisory Group. Read more to find out how you can be part of a group that provides advice to government agencies, helps maximise the opportunities and benefits from new and emerging uses of data, and advises on responsibly managing potential risk and harm.

By Craig Jones,

Launch of a new GCDS speaker series, Raraunga Ara Rau

Earlier today, the first of a new GCDS speaker series, Raraunga Ara Rau, took place at Stats NZ. Read more about it here. 

By Sophia Travers,
people meeting business maori iStock 897908544

Mandated standards candidates selected for Māori business, ethnicity, Māori descent, and iwi affiliation

Standards that will become mandatory for government departments have been selected for Māori business, ethnicity, Māori descent and iwi. Read more about what standards have been selected and next steps here.

By Sophie Austin,
Members of Parliament

How the Data and Statistics Act will improve the data system

The Data and Statistics Act 2022 is a critical enabler for moving forward; ensuring transparency and trust in the decisions we make on behalf of Aotearoa. Read more about how the new Act will deliver a robust, future-focused data and statistics system.

By Craig Jones,
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Measuring FAIR Principles compliance

GNS Science has quantitatively assessed the FAIR Principles compliance of 50 high-value geoscience datasets. This benchmark is the starting point of a roadmap towards further improvements in FAIR compliance.

By Maria Mavroeidi, Mark Rattenbury,
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Stats NZ’s statistical standards will become data standards

The standards that Stats NZ produces, previously referred to as statistical standards, will now be called data standards. Read more about the difference between data and statistical standards, when the change will be made and what you might notice about the change here.

By Sophie Austin,
Aerial photo of a concrete bridge over a track and a river

Waka Kotahi’s first transport sector open data framework and survey goes live

In November 2021 we wrote about co-developing NZ’s first transport sector open data framework and we're excited to announce that it's now live and ready for your use!
By Aimee Whitcroft,
Image of Mark speaking at Public Sector Data AI Executive Event

The Government Data Strategy and Roadmap: Taking stock

Last week, GCDS Mark Sowden spoke to members of the government data system on the progress we’ve made under Government Data Strategy and Roadmap, and what’s next on our journey. Check out his reflections here.  

By Mark Sowden,
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A new mandated data standard for gender and sex

A new mandated data standard for gender and sex was recently approved for use across the Public Service.

By Shameela Allen,
aimee blog pic

Help move open data forward with NZ’s first open data framework for transport

We're building Aotearoa NZ's first, collaboratively-developed, voluntary open data framework, for the transport sector, and we want to hear from you!

By aimee whitcroft,
Neon open sign

Open data workshop hosted by Stats NZ

The workshop featured 6 lightning talks on a range of open data topics, followed by discussions on open data gaps and barriers to releasing and accessing open data.

By Keely Gaskin,
Electrical components upgrade – Thursday 18 November

On Thursday 18th November at 8pm we'll be releasing an updated version of data. govt. nz.
Laptops on a shared desk

A club funded approach to IDI research

Earlier this year Motu released new research that breaks down the rate of driver licence holders among different groups in in Aotearoa New Zealand.
By Aravindh Rajendran, Deb Potter, Mark Lee,
photo from outer space_NASA

Exploring Te Ao Māori perspectives on offshore data storage

In 2019, Stats NZ on behalf of the GCDS contracted Bell Gully to write a report outlining the benefits, risks, and mitigations of storing iwi and Māori data in the Cloud.

By Charlotte Hastie,
GDSR focus areas

The Government Data Strategy and Roadmap

Earlier this month, the Government Chief Data Steward released the New Zealand Government Data Strategy and Roadmap – the guiding document for the government data system, outlining priorities for the next five years.

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Annual feedback survey

Each year we invite users of to complete a short survey about their experience using this website.

By Caleb Stone,
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An informed use of facial recognition technology by NZ Police

Police are developing a suite of activities to ensure any emerging technologies, such as Facial Recognition Technology, are well understood, publicly accepted, and if need be, regulated. It is also critical that any impacts of technology are understood from a Te Ao Māori perspective.

By Craig Jones,
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Gender, Sex and Variations of Sex Characteristics

On 22 April 2021, Stats NZ released an updated Statistical Standard for Gender, Sex and Variations of Sex Characteristics.

By Micah Davison,
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Change to mandated data standards

The process for selecting mandated data standards (previously called Data Content Requirements, or DCRs) has been updated and approved by the Information Group.

By Sophie Austin,
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Changes coming to the website

We drafted and tested possible changes to the way this website organises information. Based on that testing, we will make improvements to the website over the next few months. This blog is a heads up, so that you are best prepared for these planned changes. Also, we continue to welcome any feedback about the changes.

By Caleb Stone,
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Data and Digital Standards Quarterly Event

On 11 February, 2021, the Data and Digital Standards Community of Practice will hold their first quarterly event of the year.

By Caleb Stone,
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Where should we be going?

What do you think should provide, now and in the future? Tell us what you think, and what you want, by completing our short survey – it will only take 3-5 minutes.


The OGP Leadership Network Pilot - the Algorithm Charter for Aotearoa NZ

Stats NZ and Transparency International NZ (TINZ) have been invited to join the pilot cohort of the international Open Government Partnership (OGP) Leaders Network.
By Rebecca Adams,
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Having trouble finding the info you need?

To support your work with data, we have drafted changes to our website and want to make sure that it helps you find what you need.
By Caleb Stone,
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Frameworks to move the data agenda forward

COVID provides an opportunity to adopt a broader perspective on core concepts, to reimagine how we approach the foundational frameworks behind data management and use, to catalyse meaningful change. Feel the same, join us.  

By Kevin Sweeney,
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COVID-19 support and resources from the GCDS

The Government Chief Data Steward wants to connect you to the resources and information you need to respond in a prepared and co-ordinated manner alongside your peers in the data system. 

By Caleb Stone,
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Co-ordinating COVID-19 data activity across the system

The 'COVID-19 data and information activity catalogue' describes data and information work currently underway across the system. The catalogue is managed by the Stats NZ COVID-19 data collaboration team.

By Issy Hall,
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A treasure trove of data - GNS Science's contribution to the data catalogue

Historic geological maps, fossils, volcanos, geomagnetism and Pokemon Go... Learn about the treasure trove of data that GNS Science care for and have made discoverable for you.

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Join the Data and Digital Community of Practice

We’re looking for a diverse group of people to join an organising committee for the Data and Digital Community of Practice to improve the New Zealand data system. Join us!

By Ashleigh Maw,
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The data capability framework proves valuable at MFAT

MFAT is the first organisation to pilot the data capability framework tgauge the depth and breadth of data and analytical skills within the Ministry. Stats NZ and MFAT analysed responses to the framework assessment questionnaire and identified overall strengths and gaps across the range of 26 capabilities, giving an indication of MFAT's skill set and the direction they should move in the future. 

By Emma Gilkison,
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An open data sun rises, as another sets.

The open government information and data programme has concluded. But the lessons from the programme will inform our ongoing commitment and work toward open government data, which endures under the Chief Government Data Steward.

By Caleb Stone,
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A more viable approach to capturing data maturity

If data maturity assessments are to be of value as a business tool, they must express their results with clarity, meaning, and relevance to the executive leadership responsible for investment decisions. With this in mind, we propose a high-level and qualitative model.

By Kevin Sweeney,
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Algorithm Charter for Aotearoa New Zealand

This week the Minister of Statistics James Shaw, launched the Algorithm Charter for Aotearoa New Zealand. The charter has already been signed by more than 20 government agencies. The Charter signals that these agencies are committed to being consistent, transparent and accountable in their use of algorithms.

By Dr. Craig Jones,
path through trees stephen leonardi

Paving a clearer path to government data

We need your feedback - when looking for relevant data, what extra information would help? The draft government data register may give you some ideas.

By Jocelyn Morrison,

Compiling Data Inventories

There is growing realisation around the world of the value in carrying out data inventories as a key foundational step to a well-managed data infrastructure and transparency over data held…
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Data governance – now more than ever

Data governance norms can be the proverbial calm in the storm. It seems to me we need that now, more than ever.

By Kevin Sweeney,
from outer space

Data needs of resilient communities

The New Zealand Open Data Meetups, despite COVID-19 lockdown, were able to safely gather and talk about experiences, data frustrations and ideas to help in these unusual times.

ODOP collage

Open Data, Open Potential 2020

An event held on 6 March 2020. At this gathering to celebrate Open Data Day we were informed, challenged, and inspired by speakers offering different perspectives.
NZ government procurement open data team

Making government procurement data more accessible

New open data files make it easier to analyse contract award notices published on the Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS).

By Alison Goffin (MBIE),

A Framework and process for opening data, part 2

Following on from its first blog post, NZTA is now releasing in full its open data framework, toolkit and process overview.


Charter helps to increase government algorithm transparency

Minister for Statistics James Shaw has announced a public consultation on a proposed algorithm charter for government agencies.

By Jocelyn Morrison,
Data gold image

Stats NZ convenes Data Ethics Advisory Group

A Data Ethics Advisory Group has been convened to provide advice on data use to the Government Chief Data Steward and government agencies.

By Jocelyn Morrison,
data govt nz blog

A framework and processes for opening data

NZTA has been developing a simple open data framework and processes to help them release open data, and would love your feedback.

By aimee whitcroft,
Digital Nation Plan

Measuring NZ’s digital transformation

A new Plan shows us what, when and how to measure digital development.

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Latest quarterly dashboard for leading NZ's data - now available

The latest quarterly data dashboard from Stats NZ (January to March 2019), highlighting key deliverables for their data leadership role, is now available.

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Videos help de-mystify the role of stewarding data

Stats NZ has produced a series of short videos to help de-mystify their role of stewarding data and raise awareness of how they're supporting agencies to use data more effectively.

Data gold image

Update: Advisory Group on Trusted Data Use - EOI extended to 7 June

The expression of interest process for the Advisory Group on Trusted Data Use has been extended until 7 June.

Open Data Day Wellington 2019 attendees. Credit aimee whitcroft.

Open Data Day 2019 – a New Zealand-wide event

This year, groups from around the country took part in International Open Data Day, working on everything from writing tutorials and feedback, to building front ends, to sharing knowledge and discussing books.

By aimee whitcroft,
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Help improve NZ’s 12 key datasets for resilience and climate change

As emergency response agencies sift through the embers of the recent Pigeon Valley Fire, the lessons are again clear: reliable information, consistent communication and open data are critical.
By aimee whitcroft,
Photograph of a building under construction.

Our content strategy – why we’re here, and what we want to do

In January 2019, we published the content strategy and style guide for We'd love to get your feedback.

By aimee whitcroft,
Dashboard Q2

Latest quarterly data dashboard available

The latest quarterly data dashboard from Stats NZ is now available.

Whiteboard and Datopolis game players - open data Wellington meetup, Feb 2019.

Wellington’s first open data meetup of the year: validating, creating, and playing

Last night we held the first open data meetup of the year in Wellington - here's what happened.

By aimee whitcroft,
Open Data Day website background

International Open Data Day – Saturday, 2 March 2019

Data. govt. nz are proud to be a part of this year’s Open Data Day. We’ll be holding a ‘mini-hackathon’ at the National Library of New Zealand's net.
By aimee whitcroft,
People bumping fists around a table in support / congratulations.

Our plans for Wellington open data meetups this year

The Wellington open data meetup organisers been thinking and hearing lots about what the meetup series could look like / aim to achieve this year.

Here are our thoughts.

By aimee whitcroft,
Photo of a brown vintage suitcase.

How are people using open data?

Inspire. Guide. Illuminate. Share. And get some credit for what you know.

By aimee whitcroft,
Screenshot showing new header in refresh

Coming soon: the makeover reveal for

We’re excited to announce that the makeover is very nearly finished – from early 2019, the site will look quite different, and have some more exciting (we think) changes under the hood.

By aimee whitcroft,
data govt nz feedback survey wordcloud dec 2018

Thanks for your input: September 2018 community feedback results

We look at the latest results from the community feedback survey, to find out what works for you, what doesn't, and how we can improve the experience of using

By aimee whitcroft,
open data implementation plan trello board screenshot

Open data implementation plan: looking back, looking forward

The Open Data NZ team is releasing two updates: one looking back over the last six months, and one looking at the next six.

By aimee whitcroft,
Public lecture

Free public lecture | Decision-making: Human vs machine – register now

Register for a free public lecture by international algorithm ethics expert Lorena Jaume-Palasi (5 December, Auckland), co-sponsored by Stats NZ and AUT's Centre for Social Data Analytics. 

Video Rhonda

New videos explore 'Are data taonga?'

New videos by Stats NZ brings panellists together to examine and debate Māori perspectives about the way we collect, share, and use data. 


Image Newsletter

Datability - November 2018 issue available

Datability - Stats NZ's quarterly newsletter on the work being done to help government better manage data - is now available.

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Latest dashboard updates data direction

Stats NZ's data dashboard for Q1 2018/19 provides the latest snapshot of how their work across government supports their vision of enabling better outcomes for New Zealanders.

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Report provides valuable insights into algorithm use

A first-of-its-kind report provides valuable insights into the use of algorithms in government agencies.

Data Roadmap 5

Data Roadmap: setting the direction for New Zealand's data

The Data Strategy and Roadmap provides a shared direction and plan for New Zealand’s data by enabling organisations to work together to align their data initiatives.

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Understanding data confidentiality

Organisations have different requirements for protecting data confidentiality, privacy, and security. A newly-released report documents best practice principles for technical experts and managers who supply and use data in New Zealand.

Stats Act

Statistics Act review - join the conversation

1975. The Corolla ruled, mix tapes were a ‘thing’ and the Stats Act became law. How things change! Actually… the legislation hardly has. It doesn’t even feature the word ‘data’. Far-out!

1 Summit collage

Data Summit'18 - it's a wrap!

More than 250 data warriors, policy peeps, and those from across government, NGOs, business, and academia who want to know more about data, gathered in Wellington to talk data ethics.

data govt nz blog

Open Data Maturity Dashboard

Our open data maturity dashboard aims to show progress in the final output of open data and tell the story of a growing maturity in the overall stewardship of New Zealand’s public data assets.

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Makeover underway for

After 10 years dedicated service, is undergoing a transformation to ensure it’s got the right resources to build data management know-how as New Zealand heads into its digital future.

data govt nz blog

Help us improve - 2018 community feedback survey

Help improve by taking the 2018 community feedback survey.

data govt nz blog

Refreshing our navigation to help you find what you need is changing and updating our navigation to help you find things easier. Read about what we found from our user research.

data govt nz blog product update: Faster, more robust data APIs is rolling out new features to make the data APIs faster and more reliable.

Data Summit banner showing tagline and date / location details.

Data Summit'18 - secure your ticket!

For the first time, Stats NZ will host a 2-day summit on informed decision-making through the ethical use of data.

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Dashboard documents data direction

As the agency leading New Zealand’s data, Stats NZ’s quarterly dashboard profiles what we’re doing to support our role as the lead agency for New Zealand’s data.

Colleages on PC

Algorithm review underway to increase transparency and accountability

A cross-government review is underway to increase the transparency and accountability of how government uses algorithms – to help improve the lives of New Zealanders.

Image of the attendees of the workshop

Data visualisation workshop success!

Stats NZ hosted a series of 2-day Data Visualization workshops – in conjunction with the recent Open Data Meetups – in Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington and Dunedin.

data govt nz blog

We need your help - test a design option

Thanks to everyone who participated in the card sort. Three design options have been created based on your feedback, and now we need you to test to determine the final structure.

data govt nz blog

Open Government Data Dashboard

The Open Government Data Dashboard shows progress in the maturity of management and release of data across government.

data govt nz blog

Help influence the direction of is being reshaped to make it more useful – and we’d like your input.

Akl Meetup2

Come along to the Open Data Meetups – Wellington and Dunedin

Open Data Meetups in NZ are for sharing the passion and success around the release of open data with like-minded people.

services near me

Powering digital services from data API - Family Services Directory

Read about the work involved to make a machine readable version of the Family Services Directory available on and how it's being used to power other digital services.

By Pia Andrews,
data govt nz blog

Open Data, Open Potential

Stats NZ and members of the open data community celebrated open data day by witnessing the Minister of Statistics and Government Chief Data Steward co-sign New Zealand’s Open Data Charter letter.

Flow diagram showing both concepts

Searching for more than datasets

We tested two concepts with a number of our users from the data community to extend the search so it includes results from both datasets and content. Read about our process and provide your feedback.

wordcloud of comments form q1 2017 feedback

Thanks for your input: October 2017 community feedback results

Our data and performance analyst reviews the results from the first community feedback survey. Find out what users want and how we're planning to improve

CCANZ logo

Creative Commons and NZGOAL: two of the essential ingredients of open data

Find out the role copyright plays in open data, and where training is available to learn how to apply open licensing in your work.

By Elizabeth Heritage,
co design data

Collaborating to make data easier to discover and use

The, Open Data Programme and Stats NZ teams got together at the Service Innovation Lab last week to share experiences, compare notes and ideate around models that could serve users better in data discovery and use.

image of user filling in a 5 star rating

Help us improve - Oct 2017 user survey

We are currently running an online survey to gather data on how we can improve our customer experience for

open data charter

New Zealand adopts the International Open Data Charter

Read about the adoption of the International Open Data Charter by the New Zealand Government.

data govt nz blog

Open government data dashboard prototype 2017

Give your feedback on the proposed open government data dashboard for the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan.

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Open data is coming of age

The sharing of open data stories raises awareness about open data and encourages new release and use. Recently Stats NZ commissioned engage2 to gather stories from current and potential users of open data.

By Amelia Loye, Dan Randow,
data govt nz blog

'Telling our open data stories' engagement

The sharing of open data stories raises awareness about open data and encourages new release and use. In 2017 Stats NZ commissioned engage2 to gather stories from current and potential users of open data.

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[video] GovHack Wellington wrap up

Watch the wrap up video from the GovHack Wellington instalment, 28-30 July 2017.


Open data powers affordability app

Developer Alex Raichev used open data to create a web application that helps you work out the most affordable suburb to rent in and commute from.

By Anne Nelson,
Wellington Data

Wellington City Council’s open data journey through GovHack

Sean Audain, Innovation Officer (Smart City) at Wellington City Council, talks about their open data journey and what they've learnt over the years at GovHack.

By Sean Audain,

5 tips to opening your data

You've seen the pronouncements about the volumes of data that power the world around us and that this is increasing exponentially. But where’s all this data coming from?

By Rowan Smith,
data govt nz blog

Busting open data myths

Ellen Broad believes that the benefits from open data are potentially organisation changing, because of the culture that open data encourages. Open data will drive government to being more efficient and working collaboratively to solve common problems.

By Anne Nelson,
GovHackNZ Logo black

Your trusty sidekick at GovHack 2017

We’re ramping up for this year’s GovHack event at the moment and excited to be a national sponsor again this year.

data govt nz blog

Getting our data out there

Government agencies are undergoing a culture change – they’re moving towards their data being ‘open by design’. At a recent workshop international expert Ellen Broad explained what open data is and outlined some of the considerations for agencies that are opening up their data.

By Anne Nelson,
data govt nz blog

Networking and learning for open data users

Stats NZ is holding workshops for open data users next week: come along to share, learn and rub shoulders with other people who share your interest in open data.

By Anne Nelson,
data govt nz blog

Two opportunities to share your open government data story

Engagement with data users is a key part of the Open Government Data Action Plan, because it helps to understand and prioritise what data users want.

By Rochelle Stewart-Allen,
data govt nz blog

Strong foundations for open government data

Some big changes are underway that will have very positive impacts on open government data in New Zealand.

By Anne Nelson,
data govt nz blog

Meetup: Sorting fact from fiction: open data myths, mysteries & misconceptions

When: Wednesday, June 28, 2017, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

By Rochelle Stewart-Allen,
data govt nz blog

The Power of Stories

What will things look like when open data is “working”? Entrepreneurs, businesses, researchers, community groups and individuals will be innovating, creating new insights and acting as informed participants in government decisions.

data govt nz blog

Open by design

"Open by default" is a term bandied around when talking about open data policy. I find the phrase often helps lift the barriers rather than bring them down but if...

data govt nz blog

Automated metadata harvesting of Auckland Council's open transport data

Early in April (prior to our launch of, I met with Stu Smith and Helen Donaldson from the Auckland Council open data Community of Practice to demo and discuss...

data govt nz blog

[video] International Open Data Day 2017, Wellington New Zealand

A summary video of the Wellington, New Zealand hackathon held at the National Library of New Zealand for the 2017 International Open Data Day

data govt nz blog

Rapid prototyping with environmental datasets – International Open Data Day 2017

International Open Data Day, Wellington was held in the National Library of New Zealand on Saturday, 4th March.

data govt nz blog

Connect the dots - using the government A to Z API for

Ok, so I'm in the middle of data migration for the new open data portal at the moment and thought I'd take a moment to highlight something that:

data govt nz blog

International open data day - Saturday, 4th March 2017 are proud to be a part of this years Open Data Day hosted at the National Library of New Zealand's space on Saturday, 4th March 2017 (mark it...

data govt nz blog

The Open Data Game Surprise

I take my hat off to PwC Wellington and Auckland for appreciating the value of data and being bold enough to try new ways to help others learn about it.

data govt nz blog

Preparing to launch a new catalogue service

The data.govt team will be migrating currently listed datasets across to CKAN - the internationally recognised open data catalogue platform - as part of the release of the new

data govt nz blog

Open Data Charter

Open data is a core component of our world’s increasing digital economy, providing opportunity to generate significant social and economic benefits to our society.

By Rochelle Stewart-Allen,
data govt nz blog

Top 10 datasets

In June 2016, the Open Government Information & Data Programme conducted a nationwide survey asking people the top 10 datasets they would like to see released.

By Rochelle Stewart-Allen,
data govt nz blog

What's on the international open data agenda?

At the recent International Open Data Conference in Madrid, more than 1,500 people arrived from the far corners of the earth to share knowledge, spark ideas, and set forth new...

By Rochelle Stewart-Allen,
data govt nz blog

Open data events with Pia Waugh

Pia gave presentations outlining her thoughts on the broad data agenda across New Zealand, with some recommendations, suggestions drawing on successes from government open data release across the Tasman.

data govt nz blog


TLDR: We've updated, added some more data (old and new, records and hosted data) for testing, and need your feedback to help us decide whether to proceed and what...

data govt nz blog

Draft Technical Quality Framework

As such we are considering implementing a basic technical quality framework on and would like your feedback on whether this approach would be useful, whether you are a data...

By Pia Waugh,
data govt nz blog

GovHack 2016

The Department of Internal Affairs has sponsored $2,000 bounties for the each of the two following national challenge questions.

data govt nz blog

Beth Noveck hangout

In February and March 2016 Open Data NZ held a series of conversations with leading international open data experts, including Beth Noveck.

By Rochelle Stewart-Allen,
data govt nz blog

Richard Stirling hangout

In February and March 2016 Open Data NZ held a series of conversations with leading international open data experts, including Richard Stirling.

By Rochelle Stewart-Allen,
data govt nz blog

Joel Gurin hangout

In February and March 2016 Open Data NZ held a series of conversations with leading international open data experts, including Joel Gurin.

By Rochelle Stewart-Allen,