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Having trouble finding the info you need?

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To support your work with data, we have drafted changes to our website and want to make sure that it helps you find what you need. A treejack test, involving 6 task-based questions, allows you to test those changes. treejack test        

User experience testing aims to publish useful information and guidance that helps you work with data. However, this content is useless if our website is badly designed and you can't find it. To reduce this risk, we use a variety of tools to continuously review how we build our website and organise our content. 

For instance, we use treejack testing to understand where and why you get lost on our website, and how we could help you. Then, we use cardsorting exercises to understand how you think the information should be grouped and organised.  

Information about treejack tests 
Information about cardsort exercises 

The results of these tools together can help us make sure you find what you need quicker and easier. 

Test our draft 

The results of recent treejack testing suggested where you were getting lost and what content you were having trouble finding. The results of the cardsorting exercise suggested ways that we could reorganise the information to make it easier to navigate. 

Using those results, we designed changes to the organisation of our website. But, before we make these changes, we want to make sure that our educated(?) guesses aren't wildly off the mark. We can do this with a final round of treejack testing, but we need your help. 

To make sure that the proposed changes will help you find what you need, complete the treejack test below. It only has 6 questions and shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes to complete. treejack test

Request the guidance you need 

We want to connect you to the expertise, information, and guidance you need to succeed. But we can't do that, if you don't tell us about your data-related questions and struggles.    

Furthermore, if everyone struggles alone, they often find unique solutions that don't readily work together. However, if you share your struggles, together we can make information and guidance that solves everyone's problems in a coordinated and effective way.    

Thanks for participating — your experience matters to us! 

Contact us

If you’d like more information, have a question, or want to provide feedback, email

Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

