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Networking and learning for open data users

In our last blog, Two opportunities to share your open government data story, we talked about how our shared open government data ideas and experiences provide invaluable input for government agencies that are prioritising their open data releases.

We also talked about how shared open data stories benefit open data users (and potential users) – helping them upskill and find creative ways of reusing open government data to build innovative solutions for the challenges we face today and in the future.

The half-day ‘Telling Open Data Stories workshops’ being held in Auckland (Thursday 13 July) and Wellington (Friday 14 July) will provide data users with an invaluable opportunity to share and discuss ideas, experiences and challenges – and distil key learnings.

Collaboration wrangler

Dan Randow.

The workshops are part of a broader engagement with open government data users which Stats NZ is running at the moment.

We are fortunate to have secured Engage2 to carry out this engagement for us: they have a wealth of experience and expertise in helping government engage with citizens and stakeholders.

Engage2 have asked Dan Randow to facilitate both workshops. Dan is described as a ‘collaboration wrangler’ with a digital focus, and that’s perfect for these workshops.

Latest and future developments

Participants in the workshops will also be brought up to date with the latest developments in the Open Government Data Programme and will hear where open data is heading in the foreseeable future.

And, of course, we’ll consider the role we can each play in advancing the open government agenda.

Workshop info and registration 

Stats NZ logo.

The workshops are a valuable opportunity to not only share and learn, but also to rub shoulders with other people who share your interest in open data.

