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antenatal corticosteroid use in pregnancy

Ministry of Health

Created: 28 Oct 2016  —  Modified 30 Jan 2018 Status: Agency responded (7 Nov 2016) Response: Data not available for release

4 votes

Gestational diabetes by DHB's New

Ministry of Health

Created: 28 Oct 2016  —  Modified 30 Mar 2021 Status: Agency notified

7 votes

incorporated societies New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 27 Oct 2016  —  Modified 17 Apr 2018 Status: Agency notified

6 votes

Requesting data of patients who are suffering from chronic kidney disease(ckd) and not.

Ministry of Health

Created: 3 Oct 2016  —  Modified 8 Aug 2022 Status: Agency responded (10 Oct 2016) Response: Data does not exist

5 votes

Family Court - ethnic make up of court services users

Ministry of Justice

Created: 30 Aug 2016  —  Modified 20 Oct 2017 Status: Agency responded (26 Sep 2016) Response: Other

6 votes

population statistics New

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 23 Aug 2016  —  Modified 30 Jan 2018 Status: Agency notified

4 votes

Councillor Voting Records for Auckland Council

Auckland Council

Created: 17 Aug 2016  —  Modified 1 Feb 2024 Status: Agency responded (22 Aug 2016) Response: Other

12 votes

child molestation

New Zealand Police

Created: 13 Aug 2016  —  Modified 20 Oct 2017 Status: Agency responded (23 Nov 2016) Response: Other

6 votes

Councillor Voting Records for Wellington City Council

Wellington City Council

Created: 20 Jul 2016  —  Modified 7 Aug 2024 Status: Agency responded (21 Jul 2016) Response: Data not available for release

12 votes

State sector agencies and NZBN

State Services Commission

Created: 5 Jul 2016  —  Modified 20 Oct 2017 Status: Agency responded (5 Jul 2016) Response: Other

1 vote

Public Access Easements - Crown Forest Licences over Crown lands New

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 15 Jun 2016  —  Modified 9 Oct 2023 Status: Agency notified

7 votes

Maps of the Services in the Avon RRZ

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 13 Jun 2016  —  Modified 20 Oct 2017 Status: Agency responded (18 Jul 2016) Response: Different agency responsible

1 vote

Unpaid Taxes due to Small Business Liquidations

Inland Revenue Department

Created: 9 Jun 2016  —  Modified 28 Jun 2023 Status: Agency responded (21 Jul 2016) Response: Dataset submitted

6 votes

NZ Localities

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 27 May 2016  —  Modified 20 Oct 2017 Status: Agency responded (7 Aug 2017) Response: Awaiting moderation

4 votes

Department of Conservation Ecological Management Units New

Department of Conservation

Created: 18 May 2016  —  Modified 9 May 2024 Status: Agency notified

4 votes

Radius and Circumference of Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 15 May 2016  —  Modified 9 May 2020 Status: Agency responded (13 Jun 2016) Response: Other

3 votes

Parliment bill voting records

Parliamentary Service

Created: 6 May 2016  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (18 May 2021) Response: Other

12 votes

A breakdown of MSD's child abuse notification and substantiation data

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 17 Mar 2016  —  Modified 20 Oct 2017 Status: Agency responded (15 Apr 2016) Response: Preparing data for release

11 votes

Burglary/Break-ins by Street New

New Zealand Police

Created: 2 Mar 2016  —  Modified 24 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified

16 votes

crime data

New Zealand Police

Created: 29 Feb 2016  —  Modified 8 May 2024 Status: Agency responded (9 May 2016) Response: More information required about request

20 votes

Property sale transaction data. New

Quotable Value Limited

Created: 29 Feb 2016  —  Modified 19 Aug 2024 Status: Agency notified

64 votes

Auckland Council Food Grades New

Auckland Council

Created: 10 Feb 2016  —  Modified 20 Oct 2017 Status: Agency notified

5 votes

Median rental prices by TA & by suburb New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 8 Feb 2016  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified

7 votes

Hospitals coordinates

Electricity Authority

Created: 5 Feb 2016  —  Modified 24 Jun 2017 Status: Agency responded (18 Feb 2016) Response: Data not available for release

3 votes
