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Police File New

New Zealand Police

Created: 2 Apr 2024  —  Modified 2 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

side strains New

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

Created: 30 Mar 2024  —  Modified 2 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

2014 Household expenditure guide

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 25 Mar 2024  —  Modified 27 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (25 Mar 2024) Response: Request received

2 votes

Request all NZ ZIP Codes

Public Service Commission

Created: 25 Mar 2024  —  Modified 25 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (25 Mar 2024) Response: Different agency responsible

0 votes

NZ Post Codes

New Zealand Post Limited

Created: 21 Mar 2024  —  Modified 10 Jul 2024 Status: Agency responded (3 Apr 2024) Response: Other

4 votes

NZ Town & City Names in Alphabetical Order New

Statistics New Zealand

Created: 20 Mar 2024  —  Modified 16 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified (16 Apr 2024)

1 vote

Soil temperature Data New

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 20 Mar 2024  —  Modified 21 Mar 2024 Status: Agency notified (21 Mar 2024)

0 votes

Shoulder injuries in swimmers New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 18 Mar 2024  —  Modified 17 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified (15 Apr 2024)

0 votes

High and Low temperature in Christchurch from 1948 New

National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Created: 15 Mar 2024  —  Modified 28 Mar 2024 Status: Agency notified (15 Mar 2024)

2 votes

How many hotel rooms are there in New Zealand

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 15 Mar 2024  —  Modified 22 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (22 Mar 2024) Response: Different agency responsible

0 votes

Data of food waste (Retail Industry) - New Zealand

The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited

Created: 8 Mar 2024  —  Modified 31 May 2024 Status: Agency responded (15 Mar 2024) Response: Request received

1 vote

Request for Comprehensive Fire Incident Data in Buildings (1990-Present) New

New Zealand Fire Service Commission

Created: 5 Mar 2024  —  Modified 6 Mar 2024 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

Livestock numbers - from 2019 to 2023

Agricultural and Marketing Research and Development Trust

Created: 4 Mar 2024  —  Modified 15 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (7 Mar 2024) Response: Request received

0 votes

Statistic enquiry about Victoria University of Wellington New

Victoria University of Wellington

Created: 1 Mar 2024  —  Modified 6 Mar 2024 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

Auckland - Wells and Bore locations New

Auckland Council

Created: 29 Feb 2024  —  Modified 2 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified

2 votes

ACC injury claims for Motorsport New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 28 Feb 2024  —  Modified 21 Mar 2024 Status: Agency notified (20 Mar 2024)

0 votes

WARO Land Schedule Maps and AATH permit blocks

Department of Conservation

Created: 28 Feb 2024  —  Modified 19 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (19 Apr 2024) Response: Data not available for release

0 votes

New Zealand ACC Claims in Manufacturing - windows New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 27 Feb 2024  —  Modified 21 Mar 2024 Status: Agency notified (20 Mar 2024)

1 vote

NZ Postcode Download New

New Zealand Post Limited

Created: 26 Feb 2024  —  Modified 18 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified

9 votes

Dataset of Māori business dorectory New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 22 Feb 2024  —  Modified 6 Mar 2024 Status: Agency notified

3 votes

NZ Post Codes New

New Zealand Post Limited

Created: 18 Feb 2024  —  Modified 26 Feb 2024 Status: Agency notified

0 votes


Health Quality and Safety Commission New Zealand

Created: 18 Feb 2024  —  Modified 23 Feb 2024 Status: Agency responded (23 Feb 2024) Response: Awaiting moderation

0 votes

Historic migrations and land ownership New

Land Information New Zealand

Created: 16 Feb 2024  —  Modified 20 Feb 2024 Status: Agency notified (20 Feb 2024)

0 votes

Forklift Related Injuries in NZ New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 13 Feb 2024  —  Modified 6 Jun 2024 Status: Agency notified (22 Feb 2024)

1 vote

Cricket Injuries New

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 12 Feb 2024  —  Modified 12 Feb 2024 Status: Agency notified (12 Feb 2024)

0 votes
