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Claims for under 18 year olds that occurred while at school

All claims for children under 18 years of age, that occurred whilst they were at school. Data should be broken into mechanisms (causes) to identify patterns of high frequency injuries and serious injures relating back to activities. The data set should also be categorised into regions, ethnicity, gender, age groups.

Schools managing the safety of their students by identifying root causes of injuries.

Pooling multiple sets of isolated/fragmented data into a national data base. Schools can view data from similar schools against their own to evaluate their performance, identify risks that they may not have planned for (e.g school roll increases and more classrooms will be build etc). Principals could contact schools that have lower injury stats to implement similar controls in their school.

Response from
Ministry of Education

Different agency responsible

Kia ora tīma , This request should go to ACC, our organisation doesn’t hold this information. Ngā mihi nui, Ida Li | Programme Coordinator | Information Requests | Data & Insights Te Pae Aronui

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