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50 results for Ministry of Business innovation and Employment

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Register of earthquake-prone buildings (EPB Register) New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 9 Jul 2024  —  Modified 9 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

Residential Rental Data New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 2 Jul 2024  —  Modified 2 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified

1 vote

AEWV Employeer List

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 28 Jun 2024  —  Modified 9 Jul 2024 Status: Agency responded (9 Jul 2024) Response: Request received

0 votes

Public Holidays New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 11 Apr 2024  —  Modified 18 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified (17 Apr 2024)

0 votes

How many hotel rooms are there in New Zealand

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 15 Mar 2024  —  Modified 22 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (22 Mar 2024) Response: Different agency responsible

0 votes

Dataset of Māori business dorectory New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 22 Feb 2024  —  Modified 6 Mar 2024 Status: Agency notified

3 votes

Accredited Employer List- Email Address

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 12 Nov 2023  —  Modified 18 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (18 Mar 2024) Response: Other

0 votes

Accredited employers information for Hamilton New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 15 Sep 2023  —  Modified 8 Dec 2023 Status: Agency notified

2 votes

Accredited Employer AEWV - including Accreditation Type New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 3 Sep 2023  —  Modified 20 Oct 2023 Status: Agency notified (18 Sep 2023)

1 vote

Govt office lease basic data

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 11 Aug 2023  —  Modified 7 Sep 2023 Status: Agency responded (7 Sep 2023) Response: Data not suitable for release

2 votes

SME's Hawkes Bay New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 20 Jun 2023  —  Modified 15 Mar 2024 Status: Agency notified (28 Jul 2023)

1 vote

Residential Property Ownership Count: How Many Houses Do Landlords Own On Average New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 17 Jun 2023  —  Modified 14 Aug 2023 Status: Agency notified (11 Aug 2023)

1 vote

location of cell towers

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 13 Jun 2023  —  Modified 17 Jul 2023 Status: Agency responded (30 Jun 2023) Response: Other

6 votes

Immigration Employers for MSD Regional SBA New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 1 Jun 2023  —  Modified 11 Sep 2023 Status: Agency notified (8 Sep 2023)

1 vote

Accredited Employers

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 10 Mar 2023  —  Modified 6 Jun 2024 Status: Agency responded (20 Jul 2023) Response: Awaiting moderation

8 votes

Updated List of Accredited Employers with Imigration New Zealand New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 20 Feb 2023  —  Modified 6 Jun 2024 Status: Agency notified (20 Jul 2023)

14 votes

accredited employers with immigration nz

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 23 Jan 2023  —  Modified 23 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (15 Mar 2024) Response: Other

1 vote

Updated List of Accredited Employers with Imigration New Zealand New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 20 Jan 2023  —  Modified 3 Dec 2023 Status: Agency notified (20 Jul 2023)

19 votes

accredited employers list

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 17 Jan 2023  —  Modified 20 Sep 2023 Status: Agency responded (20 Sep 2023) Response: Awaiting moderation

0 votes

list of accredited employers in NZ

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 14 Dec 2022  —  Modified 13 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (13 Mar 2024) Response: Other

0 votes

OIA List of accredited employers NZ New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 6 Dec 2022  —  Modified 22 Jul 2023 Status: Agency notified (21 Jul 2023)

0 votes

List of accredited employer for Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 12 Oct 2022  —  Modified 20 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (20 Jul 2023) Response: Other

59 votes

Could I please get an updated list of accredited employers New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 10 Oct 2022  —  Modified 12 Mar 2024 Status: Agency notified (20 Jul 2023)

15 votes

Accredited employers New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 26 Sep 2022  —  Modified 12 Mar 2024 Status: Agency notified (20 Jul 2023)

57 votes

List of Accredited Employers in New Zealand Immigration New

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Created: 18 Sep 2022  —  Modified 27 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified (20 Jul 2023)

36 votes
