I need a downloadable excel or CSV file that shows, time frame (at least covering 2 full years to 2024 for example 2023 and 2024 data. mean weekly rent rate increase % rate, per bedroom size , by region. This is a further breakdown of the bond rental data shown on https://webrear.mbie.govt.nz/theme/mean-weekly-rent/map/timeseries/2024/auckland?accessedvia=auckland&right-transform=absolute
I want to compare the data we hold for our lease portfolio to the mean averages across New Zealand. I want to be able to say for Grey Lyn the average rental price between 2023 and 2024, for 3 bedroom properties, was an increase of 6.9%.
I need this split for all regions across NZ and for all bedroom sizes 1-5 bedrooms.
Helping me understand the averages across NZ
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