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134 results for Accident Compensation Corporation

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Vaccine Injury compensation

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 30 Aug 2019  —  Modified 3 Jul 2024 Status: Agency responded (8 Nov 2022) Response: Other

163 votes

ACC concussion and mild traumatic brain injury claims

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 4 Jul 2019  —  Modified 7 Feb 2022 Status: Agency responded (6 Aug 2019) Response: Dataset submitted

6 votes

Hot water bottle injuries

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 24 Jun 2019  —  Modified 28 Feb 2020 Status: Agency responded (12 Jul 2019) Response: Dataset submitted

2 votes

Maori workplace fatalities

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 10 Jun 2019  —  Modified 1 Sep 2019 Status: Agency responded (25 Jun 2019) Response: Different agency responsible

2 votes

Sensitive Claims

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 19 Mar 2019  —  Modified 18 Dec 2022 Status: Agency responded (23 Apr 2019) Response: Dataset submitted

1 vote

Wokrplace injuries rates, general population, Pasifica peoples and Maori

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 21 Feb 2019  —  Modified 23 Apr 2019 Status: Agency responded (23 Apr 2019) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

Incidence rates of work-related injury claims by engravers

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 19 Dec 2018  —  Modified 12 Feb 2019 Status: Agency responded (12 Feb 2019) Response: Other

0 votes

ACC falls

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 27 Nov 2018  —  Modified 17 Jan 2019 Status: Agency responded (17 Jan 2019) Response: Other

2 votes

Chronic low back pain in New Zealand

Accident Compensation Corporation

Created: 8 May 2012  —  Modified 11 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (17 Jun 2021) Response: Request received

21 votes
