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Vaccine Injury compensation

I would like to know the total number of claims both declined and accepted by acc since acc was established, as well as the total moneys paid out to successful claimants.

Providing evidence that our government agency looks after those negatively effected by vaccines, to boost confidence in vaccinating.

Providing assurance to parents hestitant to vaccinate for fear of injury.

Response from
Accident Compensation Corporation


COVID-19 vaccine injury claims data is publicly available on ACC’s website at Please note that the data is updated on a quarterly basis. As the information is publicly available, we are not providing a copy of it in our response. This decision has been made under section 18(d) of the Act. If you have any questions about this response, please get in touch You can email me at If you are not happy with this response, you can also contact the Ombudsman via or by phoning 0800 802 602. Information about how to make a complaint is available at


  • mark robinson

    I,m a vaccine/long COVID suffer, id like to see the information please and what assistance the Government is going to give...

  • Yogesh

    Anyone tell me actually after covid vaccine i got problem in my body i feel to low and arm getting tingling and shoulder pain . Before vaccine i used to alot of thing but now i easly tired anyone know how to fix it . Its niw more than 1 yr dr. Dnt know what to do

  • Sarah

    It's taken 2 years to be accepted for Treatment Injury due to my first pfizer injection, under treatment injury, should my doctors have still been charging me for visits related to my ongoing injury treatment? As I did tell them, alongside them receiving the ACC email to inform them of my cover, they have still been charging me. I was told this was covered by ACC and yet it hasn't been. Secondly, why is pain cover not included in treatment injury cover, for my resulting persistent pain, neuropathy, spasms, loss of motor function? And lastly, if I need pharmac to cover a specific type of preservative to put my pregabalin into a suspension, for my injury, so I can come off of it, seeing as it's not the medication I was meant to be on to begin with, can ACC help push my doctors to applying for this, or can ACC cover this, due to the; highly addictive nature of the medication, the failure to put me on the correct medication, and the resulting side effects/moderate to severe withdrawals hindering me from dropping 25mg at a time, which is the lowest current dose offered? Note it doesn't come in tablet form or I'd be fine to chop one in half and reduce that way so I can be put on the correct medication suggested by the pain clinic a year or so ago now. Thank you for taking the time to read my comment, I hope it makes sense.

  • jeremy steptowe (Requester)

    in light of the governments declaration that vaccines were not mandated. Are business now liable for prosecution for forcing staff members to be vaccinated to retain jobs? is so would they also be responsible for all treatments for injured staff?

  • Earnest

    No one is keeping any information on any possible side effects of the vaccine. Its almost impossible to even get doctors to talk about it. If no one talks about or even bothers to try and look for side effects then you can't claim against it. I get the vaccine was needed, but some of us have developed auto immune disease which have severely impacted us and there is no one who can help. As an example, there are no stats available on how many people have been diagnosed with Graves ever, so you can't say what the impact of COVID/vaccine has been. But from regular visits to the hospital the general consensus is its more.
    So in short, no one is recording the data so you can't make a claim.

  • Accident Compensation Corporation

    Kia ora Duncan,

    Your request asks ACC to form an opinion or explanation
    Under the Official Information Act a distinction exists between a request for information already known and held by an agency (official information), versus a request for an agency to form an opinion or provide an explanation or comment. Your question asks ACC to form an opinion or provide an explanation, and is therefore not considered to be requesting official information under the Act. Accordingly, we are refusing to respond to your request. 

    Information about treatment injuries
    A treatment injury is defined in section 32 of the Accident Compensation Act 2001 (the AC Act) as being a personal injury caused as a result of seeking or receiving medical treatment from, or at the direction of, a registered health professional. To fulfil the criteria for cover, the person must have suffered a personal injury, there must be a clear causal link between the treatment and the injury, and the injury must not be a necessary part or ordinary consequence of the treatment. Treatment injury claims are assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the individual facts of each claim.

    For information about treatment injury cover, please refer to the Treatment Injury Claim Lodgement Guide at: and section 32 of the AC Act:

    If you have any questions about this response, please get in touch

    You can email us at If you are not happy with this response, you can also contact the Ombudsman via or by phoning 0800 802 602. Information about how to make a complaint is available at

  • Duncan Hunter

    Why is it that acc is not seeing neurological and immune function dossorders from the vaccine as injuries? I am vaccine injured and struggle daily with these horrendous side effects . According to ACC these don't fit the criteria for vaccine injury. It's not all heart related issues?

  • sharon nukumai delamere

    im a covid victim after my 4th vaccine i fainted few days in a row before having a real bad tonic seizure was force to get them done for job now im affected for rest of life 7 types of epilepy early bipolar cant drive left side slightly effected have problems moving ongoing medical visits heaps medication seizure so many suicide attemps still on going health problem was healthy before the vaccines

  • Damian McDonald

    Can we get access to the real vaccine damage data. It looks like it is a train wreck happening in slow motion based on the number of people I know falling ill and dying from random heart issues.

  • James

    Are injuries or deaths counted from the time of being injected, or not until a specified time e.g. 2 weeks?

  • James

    Are injuries or deaths counted from the time of being injected, or not until a specified time e.g. 2 weeks?

    From FirstCoastNews (July 2021) - The CDC said reports of adverse events to the system following vaccination do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.

  • Kat

    Until I see actual evidence that the vaccine is safe and the correct statistics are published with no excuses such as "there is no evidence deaths were due to the vaccine", of course there is no evidence there is also no real testing. The government would never own up to their discrepancies (more correctly outright lies) We know that the figures are being cooked and tweaked to suit the agenda's. Until I see accountability from the pharmaceutical companies and our government (as lets face it they are using us all as guinea pigs) there is no way in hell I will consent. If you truly believe that this vaccine is SAFE, then you should get behind it financially and cough up compensation for those who have clearly been harmed. Anything short of this is a red flag that we are being lied to.

  • Fast Eddy

    A 30 year old very fit friend has been diagnosed with pericarditis that started within hours of his first Pfizer injection.

    He cannot work as he can barely walk across his flat without being out of breath and experiencing sharp pain in his heart.

    I drove him to the ED last week when he collapsed in pain. After hours of testing the attending physician called a cardiologist in Dunedin and we listened in as the cardiologist said - and I quote "My phone doesn't stop ringing with GP's asking for advice on how to treat young men with heart damage after the vaccine"

    My friend has been informed his ACC application will not be looked at UNTIL April!!!

    The NZ government is forcing these vaccines on its citizens (my friend did not want it but was faced with losing his job) and the injuries are EPIC.

    That is shameful but compounding this disgraceful situation is the fact that ACC claims are being delayed for many months leaving vaccine-injured individuals hung out to dry

  • Thomas-harold Wright

    Hi, I am interested to know the number of injurys caused by vaccine to date please


  • Chad

    How many people have pericarditis now from the vax

  • Government Services (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Kia ora Richard,

    ACC has recently published a data set related to Covid vaccines on the site.  You can find this here This has all the information you are seeking with updated stats.

    We are also going to be proactively releasing information on this topic on our website shortly and will be found at Resources ( under OIA responses. For this reason we are refusing your request under section 18(d) of the OIA as the information is publicly available.

    If you are not happy with this decision you have the right to seek an investigation by the Ombudsman, details on how to do this can be found at their website on Get help (for the public) | Ombudsman New Zealand. 

    If you have any questions about the response you can contact us at this address, for all other matters please use our contact form at: alternatively give us a call on 0800 101 996.

  • Richard Haddrell Jones

    The Otago Daily times released the following stats on 23 sep 2021.As of the 10sep vaccine-related ACC claims total 382 of these 144 were accepted 73 declined and 165 were still being looked at.Yes it would be good to have a more recent figure-i suspect it is horrific.

  • joe

    your reluctancy to provide up to date information on vaccine injury tells me you have something to hide..which strengthens my resolve to not get the vaccine ,medical treatment of any types affects should be made public especially in this case. the nz bill of rights says we have the right to refuse any medical treatment .

  • Government Services (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Kia ora koutou, 

    PLEASE NOTE: ACC has recently published a data set related to Covid vaccines on the site.  You can find this here

    We are also going to be proactively releasing information on this topic on our website shortly and will be found at Resources ( under OIA responses.

    For data requests in relation to vaccinations, please check what we have already released in our datasets and via our website first before making a new request, or comment on the thread.

  • Kade Croft

    We DEMAND this to be updated urgently!!!!

  • Anne Thomson

    Can I also please be emailed a copy of the latest stats. Thank you

  • Brett

    Can we get an update on this data please ?

  • Barnaby

    The date of data is 2019. Can we please have an updated data set based on the same request and rationale provided:

  • jeremy

    i noticed that acc keeps pointing everyone to a page that lists a few pdf fils where most pf the relevent information is being refused the request on the basis of 18g of the act.
    that the information requested is not held by the department or venture or Minister of the Crown or organisation and the person dealing with the request has no grounds for believing that the information is either—
    held by another department (for itself and for a departmental agency hosted by it or an interdepartmental executive board serviced by it) or interdepartmental venture or Minister of the Crown or organisation, or by a local authority; or
    connected more closely with the functions of another department (for itself and for a departmental agency hosted by it or an interdepartmental executive board serviced by it) or interdepartmental venture or Minister of the Crown or organisation or of a local authority:

    I believe this to be a misused section of the act to avoid answering peoples legitimate concern. i say this as i have prior knowledge of ACC using what ever means possible to avoid criminal charges. why don't you just answer the question instead of fobbing people off. not answering is the same as admission of something, or should be as far as ACC is concerned. Very much an organization that should be considered guilty till proved otherwise.

  • Leeann ward (Requester)

    Yes would be of great knowledge to make informed decisions please send information

  • ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Kia ora Leroy,
    Please refer to for our response to your query dated 10 June 2021. This has been uploaded as a resource to the dataset:

  • Troy Daysh

    Please email all relative information regarding vaccines since 2017. All of it. No rush. Thank you.

  • Leroy

    What criteria do you use to determine an adverse reaction? 468 out of 1424 is the second most common but no details are given

    Are you basing it on when it happened - soon after being anaphylaxis or ones that occur several days later
    What types of reaction do you regard as being adverse, how severe does it need to be, how long does it need to last.

  • Martha Nel

    My I have the data sheet as well please for this please thank you.

    (I would like to know the total number of claims both declined and accepted by acc since acc was established, as well as the total moneys paid out to successful claimants.)

  • Accident Compensation Corporation (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Kia ora Jeremy,

    Please refer to for the data uploaded.

  • Jeremy Steptowe

    I would like this information too please

  • Accident Compensation Corporation (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Kia ora Leon,

    Please refer to for the data uploaded.

  • Leon

    Could I have a copy, please?

  • Accident Compensation Corporation (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Kia ora Phillip,

    Please refer to for the data uploaded.

  • Jessy

    If it's low number of cases of deaths, injuries from vaccination you should be more confident and free to share this information for public's peace of mind. Please share me the same info please thanks!

  • Ministry of Health OIA Services Team

    Kia ora Phillip Coghini

    Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) has contacted the Ministry of Health regarding your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine:

    “Does the govt have the legal right to force NZ citizens to take the Covid-19 vaccine?
    Can the govt penalize nz citizens for not taking the covid 19 vaccine?”

    As the information you have requested better fits the functions of the Ministry of Health, ACC have transferred these questions to the Ministry of Health under section 14 of the Official Information Act 1982.

    Can you please contact the Ministry of Health at: so that we can respond to your questions through our normal OIA process.

    Ngā mihi

    OIA Services
    Government Services
    Office of the Director-General
    Ministry of Health

  • Sasha Wood (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Kia ora Philip, your request for the following sits with the Ministry of Health.
    Does the govt have the legal right to force NZ citizens to take the Covid-19 vaccine?

  • Phillip Coghini

    Does the govt have the legal right to force NZ citizens to take the Covid-19 vaccine?

    Can the govt penalize nz citizens for not taking the covid 19 vaccine?

  • Phillip Coghini

    I would like to know the following information related to Covid-19 vaccines:

    How many have died from taking the vaccine, broken down by age, ethnicity, and any pre-existing medical conditions, and particular vaccine used.

    If death did not result, how many have encountered illnesses after 3 days taking the vaccine.

  • Tracy Livingston (Requester)

    Kia Ora Simon Barbour, the death rate from vaccination shows up under the Iatrogenesis figures in the CARM report. However, I have reason to believe that they are not entirely accurate for a number of reasons, one being that i was told that the figures had been 'scrubbed' clean. I'm sure to maintain confidence in vaccination. Nga mihi nui kautou

  • Accident Compensation Corporation (Accident Compensation Corporation) (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Kia ora John,

    Please refer to for the data uploaded.

  • John Donnelly

    I'm sure that people who work for ACC have Children also and would also like this information.... as would every parent. Please send me this information.

  • Accident Compensation Corporation (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Tēnā koe Simon,
    I refer to your below request for information related to vaccine injury statistics.

    Providing the details you have requested in relation to adverse reaction claims would involve us collating information from 411 claims. Information such as the specifics of the adverse reaction involved would require a manual search of each individual claim file to determine exactly what the reaction was. We are therefore refusing this part of your request under section 18(f) of the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), as your request would involve substantial collation and research.

    We are also unable to provide the information you have requested related to claims for vaccine related deaths. As explained in our previous response, due to the low number of claims for vaccine related deaths (<4), we are unable to provide the exact number of claims. We are therefore also unable to provide specific information in relation to these cases. As the number of claims is so low, the likelihood of the individuals involved being identified is high and so to protect the privacy of the individuals involved, we stand by our decision to withhold this information under section 9(2)(a) of the Act. We are also refusing your request for specific information in relation to these claims under section 9(2)(a) of the Act. In doing so, we have considered the public interest and have determined that it does not outweigh the need to protect the individuals privacy.

    If you are not happy with this response, you have the right to make a complaint to the Ombudsman. Information about how to do this is available at or by phoning 0800 802 602.

  • Simon Barbour (Requester)

    Kia Ora ACC,

    Thank you for your latest response. However again this information is too vague. Could you please (without disclosing any personal information, therefore not breaching the privacy of these individuals under section 9(2)(a) of the Act) provide the exact number of accepted cases where a vaccination has caused death. Could you please include the age of each case, the specific vaccine that was given and the year the death occurred.

    Could you please provide a breakdown list of all accepted claims under the category ‘Adverse reactions including allergy’ (411) into the following columns: Age of person injured, Specific adverse reaction, Specific vaccine which caused the injury, Year of injury.

    Please note that in these requests there is no need for any personal information to be given, therefore this request does not breach the privacy of these individuals under section 9(2)(a).

  • Accident Compensation Corporation (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Kia ora Richard

    Please refer to for the data uploaded.

  • Richard Gregory

    Could you please send this information to me also. Kind Regards, Richard

  • Accident Compensation Corporation (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Tēnā koe Simon,
    Please refer to for the 'infection' and 'adverse reaction' data uploaded.

  • Simon Barbour (Requester)

    Kia ora ACC,

    Thank you for your response and for supplying a general overview of injury types.
    However, I would like more specific information as some of these categories are too vague. Could you please expand the two injury types ‘infection' and 'adverse reaction' and give more specific information regarding what types of infections and what types of adverse reactions?
    I would like specific information (including severity as defined by ACC) for each of the accepted claims under the infection (632) and adverse reaction (468) categories. Could you please also provide the exact number of accepted cases in which vaccinations have caused death in the last fifteen years?

  • ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Tēnā koe Simon,
    Please refer to for the breakdown data uploaded.

  • Simon Barbour (Requester)

    I would also like to know the breakdown of the types of injuries caused?

  • Grant Robinson

    I would like this imformaton to please

  • Jordyn McCaughan

    Please may I receive this information

  • Amanda

    Can I please also have this information

  • Accident Compensation Corporation (Accident Compensation Corporation)

    Tēnā koe Ahmed,
    Please refer to for the breakdown data uploaded.

  • Grant

    Can you please send me this data as well? Many thanks.

  • Ahmed Al-Jumaily

    Hi, thanks for the upload.
    Can i request a detailed breakdown of the injuries?
    Ie. Age of patient, severity of injury, type of vaccine, ethnicity of patient.


    Please send this information to me about vaccine injury an death claimed in NZ

  • Bec

    I'd like this data

  • Renee

    Please may I have more information

  • Lelani

    I would like to have a copy of this information please. Thanks in advance.

  • Robyn McCrory

    I would like to receive this information about vaccine injury compensation as soon as it is available

  • Lauren

    I would also love to receive this information. Will help to encourage vaccination without a doubt!

  • Aurelie Coussement

    I would like to receive this information too thank you.

  • Mariette

    I am interested to know

  • Ashley Murphy

    I wish to be included in this information also please

  • Mark Owen

    I would like this information too please

  • Katina delamere

    I would also like these stats emailed to me please

  • Michelle

    I would like this information too please

  • Alissa

    This would be extremely helpful and reassuring for parents to know

  • Isla Kaihe

    I would like this information too please

  • Kari Shadwell

    This would be very useful for all parents researching vacines for their children.

  • Kelly Weston

    This is an absolute necessity for all informed parents to read.

  • Sharon Elsworth

    I agree that transparency is good for all concerned.

  • Theresa

    Be interesting to know this information
