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8 results for Parliamentary Service

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List of all MPs, service, roles held and demographics including DOB

Parliamentary Service

Created: 3 May 2024  —  Modified 31 May 2024 Status: Agency responded (31 May 2024) Response: Preparing data for release

0 votes

Parliamentary Bills 2002-2023 New

Parliamentary Service

Created: 9 Feb 2024  —  Modified 12 Feb 2024 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

Parliament Membership History New

Parliamentary Service

Created: 9 Jun 2023  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified

66 votes

Register of Pecuniary and Other Specified Interests of Members of Parliament New

Parliamentary Service

Created: 31 Aug 2022  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified

16 votes

Complete Updated List of Written Questions Answers

Parliamentary Service

Created: 23 May 2022  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded

2 votes

Written Parliamentary Questions

Parliamentary Service

Created: 10 Dec 2021  —  Modified 22 Sep 2023 Status: Agency responded (13 Dec 2021) Response: More information required about request

3 votes

Parliment bill voting records

Parliamentary Service

Created: 6 May 2016  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (18 May 2021) Response: Other

12 votes

Machine readable list of all current MPs

Parliamentary Service

Created: 17 Jul 2014  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (27 Jul 2014) Response: Investigating options

61 votes
