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List of all MPs, service, roles held and demographics including DOB

A database / .csv files containing at minimum Table 1: Current and historical list of MPs sitting in each parliament Party affiliation for each parliament Ministerial positions held and when Electorate / list status (Might be easier with ministerial status in a separate table) Table 2: demographics Date of birth (minimum year of birth) Periods in government (can be a Y/N for each term) Stated profession / sector iwi Happy for any other demographics to be included

Public interest - who are the MPs, what is their background
Specifically interested in the relationship of age/background and politics, and what this means for assumptions around eg Boomer/Millennial differences in politics
Noting that this information appears to have already been provided to media outlets

Analysis of relative age of MPs and their politics / responsibilities - relationship of this to social factors, eg being brought up under Rogernomics, etc.

Response from
Parliamentary Service

Preparing data for release

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