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13 results for Ministry of Social Development

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Food Bank Data New

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 9 May 2024  —  Modified 12 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified

18 votes

Food Grant Data - applications and decisions by region New

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 9 May 2024  —  Modified 18 Jun 2024 Status: Agency notified

11 votes

How many people are placed into employment by all funded community groups in Auckland in the last three years (2021, 2022, 2023) New

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 9 Mar 2023  —  Modified 24 May 2024 Status: Agency notified

1 vote

Number of recipients of regular social welfare payments New

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 8 Feb 2022  —  Modified 13 Feb 2022 Status: Agency notified

1 vote

Family Harm, Services for Families

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 23 Jul 2021  —  Modified 3 Sep 2021 Status: Agency responded (19 Aug 2021) Response: Other

1 vote

COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme New

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 7 Apr 2020  —  Modified 27 Aug 2021 Status: Agency notified

17 votes

MSD Service Centre self-service kiosk usage New

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 16 May 2018  —  Modified 28 Sep 2022 Status: Agency notified

4 votes

A breakdown of MSD's child abuse notification and substantiation data

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 17 Mar 2016  —  Modified 20 Oct 2017 Status: Agency responded (15 Apr 2016) Response: Preparing data for release

11 votes

14 January 2016 New

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 14 Jan 2016  —  Modified 23 May 2016 Status: Agency notified

2 votes

Office lease expiry information

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 29 Jul 2014  —  Modified 19 Sep 2017 Status: Agency responded (23 Dec 2014) Response: Data does not exist

9 votes

Wheelchair users in NZ

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 22 Jan 2013  —  Modified 13 May 2022 Status: Agency responded (24 Jan 2013) Response: Different agency responsible

14 votes

Administrative data on income assistance New

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 25 Nov 2012  —  Modified 25 Nov 2019 Status: Agency notified

8 votes

Auckland Local Board Benefit Factsheets New

Ministry of Social Development

Created: 12 Nov 2012  —  Modified 16 Oct 2015 Status: Agency notified

6 votes
