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Food Grant Data - applications and decisions by region

At present, the Social Development Data tool ( will show hardship grants by volume at a regional level. It does not show food grants specifically. It also gives no indication of how many applications were declined. This requests asks that the Social Development Data tool be updated to include regional data on the number of food grant applications received the number of food grant applications approved the number of food grants applications declined the number of food grant applications made by beneficiaries the number of food grant applications made by non-beneficiaries household composition of food grant applicants the dollar value of food grant applications approved

Opening this data would provide timely regional information relating to food security. At present, regional food security data is difficult to come by. Having this data would help monitor the impacts of different regional services and initiatives aimed at reducing food insecurity.

Knowing more about who is food insecure in our region would help in the design of food security initiatives. Monitoring the need for food assistance over time would help councils, food crisis services and food security initiatives understand their impact.


  • Sarah Loynes

    This is important data to understand how people live please release.

  • Jo Wrigley

    Publicly accessible data will help us understand how to improve food redistribution and accessibility.

  • Aksel Bech

    At the moment we understand from lived experiences and statements from those active in this space -but publicly accessible data is lacking, so I support this request for data.
