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21 results for Department of Conservation

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WARO Land Schedule Maps and AATH permit blocks

Department of Conservation

Created: 28 Feb 2024  —  Modified 19 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (19 Apr 2024) Response: Data not available for release

0 votes

South-East Marine Protected Area proposed network 1 shapefile(s) New

Department of Conservation

Created: 25 Jul 2023  —  Modified 22 Aug 2023 Status: Agency notified (17 Aug 2023)

1 vote

DOC - Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area monitoring New

Department of Conservation

Created: 9 May 2023  —  Modified 5 Nov 2023 Status: Agency notified (12 Jun 2023)

2 votes

Bat roosting database

Department of Conservation

Created: 6 Oct 2022  —  Modified 17 May 2024 Status: Agency responded (14 Oct 2022) Response: Data not suitable for release

4 votes

South-East Marine Protected Area proposed network 1 shapefile New

Department of Conservation

Created: 7 Oct 2021  —  Modified 19 Jan 2022 Status: Agency notified

1 vote

Ecological Districts Spatial data New

Department of Conservation

Created: 24 Apr 2020  —  Modified 9 Jun 2022 Status: Agency notified

7 votes

Location specific bat records

Department of Conservation

Created: 4 Dec 2019  —  Modified 9 Dec 2019 Status: Agency responded (9 Dec 2019) Response: Data does not exist

0 votes

herpetofauna records - 5km radius from 38 Mill Road, Alfriston New

Department of Conservation

Created: 20 Nov 2019  —  Modified 21 Nov 2019 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

Northland Nga Whenua Rahui Covenants New

Department of Conservation

Created: 10 Jul 2019  —  Modified 12 Jan 2022 Status: Agency notified

2 votes

Flora and fauna records - 10km radius from 165 McVie Road, Huntly, Waikato New

Department of Conservation

Created: 17 Jun 2019  —  Modified 18 Jun 2019 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

Central Hawkes Bay Nga Whenua Rahui land parcels

Department of Conservation

Created: 27 Mar 2019  —  Modified 29 Apr 2019 Status: Agency responded (28 Mar 2019) Response: Preparing data for release

2 votes

Nga Whenua Rahui areas Waitomo District

Department of Conservation

Created: 10 Jan 2019  —  Modified 23 Nov 2020 Status: Agency responded (15 Jan 2019) Response: Request received

3 votes

Nz doc illegal wildlife trade statistics in 2017 New

Department of Conservation

Created: 27 Aug 2018  —  Modified 16 May 2023 Status: Agency notified

4 votes

Marine mammal sightings New

Department of Conservation

Created: 4 Dec 2017  —  Modified 7 Jun 2024 Status: Agency notified

26 votes

Department of Conservation Ecological Management Units New

Department of Conservation

Created: 18 May 2016  —  Modified 9 May 2024 Status: Agency notified

4 votes

Public domain or Creative Commons (BY) or (SA) licenced images of data deficient or endangered NZ biota New

Department of Conservation

Created: 20 Jul 2015  —  Modified 23 Jul 2015 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

Location of lodges, cabins & cottages

Department of Conservation

Created: 25 Jan 2015  —  Modified 30 Jan 2018 Status: Agency responded (17 Feb 2015) Response: Dataset submitted

6 votes

Location of visitor centres

Department of Conservation

Created: 25 Jan 2015  —  Modified 29 Oct 2015 Status: Agency responded (16 Feb 2015) Response: Other

5 votes

Poison Data

Department of Conservation

Created: 24 Mar 2013  —  Modified 14 Mar 2024 Status: Agency responded (4 Apr 2013) Response: Request received

6 votes

DOC tracks and huts

Department of Conservation

Created: 27 Apr 2011  —  Modified 30 Jan 2018 Status: Dataset added (5 Aug 2011)

15 votes

Locations of poison/traps in nature parks

Department of Conservation

Created: 7 Apr 2011  —  Modified 30 Jan 2018 Status: Agency responded (19 Apr 2011) Response: Preparing data for release

16 votes
