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6 results for Christchurch City Council

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List of accredited employers (healthcare)

Christchurch City Council

Created: 7 Mar 2023  —  Modified 11 Jul 2024 Status: Agency responded (18 Mar 2024) Response: Other

16 votes

Recycle data on plastic waste from household bin New

Christchurch City Council

Created: 17 Aug 2022  —  Modified 28 May 2024 Status: Agency notified

3 votes

Christchurch 1/50 & 1/200 yr flood New

Christchurch City Council

Created: 22 Jul 2019  —  Modified 1 May 2024 Status: Agency notified

15 votes

Remove duplicate

Christchurch City Council

Created: 14 Oct 2015  —  Modified 18 Apr 2018 Status: Dataset added

2 votes

Free and paid council parking locations within Christchurch City

Christchurch City Council

Created: 9 Mar 2015  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (14 Apr 2015) Response: Dataset submitted

6 votes

Chemical Toilet Locations CHCH

Christchurch City Council

Created: 15 Jul 2011  —  Modified 16 Oct 2015 Status: Agency responded (20 Oct 2011) Response: Request received

8 votes
