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6 results for Bay of Plenty Regional Council

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Original live birth certificate New

Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Created: 30 May 2024  —  Modified 22 Jun 2024 Status: Agency notified

3 votes

Original live birth certificate New

Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Created: 19 Apr 2024  —  Modified 31 May 2024 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

Bay of Plenty Mooring Data

Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Created: 30 Nov 2022  —  Modified 9 Jul 2024 Status: Agency responded (9 Jul 2024) Response: Other

3 votes

Land Use in the Bay of Plenty

Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Created: 24 Mar 2022  —  Modified 29 Mar 2022 Status: Agency responded (29 Mar 2022) Response: Dataset submitted

0 votes

Marae Locations Information Sheet (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)

Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Created: 17 Jan 2019  —  Modified 14 Jul 2020 Status: Agency responded (17 Jan 2019) Response: Data not available for release

5 votes

Public BBQ locations and coordinates in NZ

Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Created: 11 Jan 2019  —  Modified 29 Oct 2022 Status: Agency responded (14 Jan 2019) Response: Different agency responsible

8 votes
