Hi, I believe you previously had the mooring data for the Bay of Plenty available here. However, this appears to no longer exist and closest I can see is the mooring areas. Is there a data set available?
being able to access a moorings information such as, its precise location, the block weight and the maximum boat length.
Providing a way to check out a moorings information online.
This data needs to be requested through the moorings@boprc.govt.nz email address. Regards, Kate
3 Votes
Agency responded
Kate Waterhouse (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)
Hi there, confirming all information in regards to mooring details needs to be requested by the Bay of Plenty Maritime Team moorings@boprc.govt.nz email address. Regards, Kate
marty ford
Hi, looking to buy mooring OMC 26. Can you please advise details....max size boat, mooring structure, inspection history, and exact position,
regards, martin ford