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7 results for Quotable Value Limited

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Time series statistics for land and capital property values of various classes, both nationally and for geographic areas New

Quotable Value Limited

Created: 12 Mar 2022  —  Modified 25 Jul 2024 Status: Agency notified

14 votes

Town, suburbs, and territory authority file New

Quotable Value Limited

Created: 15 Oct 2021  —  Modified 12 Jun 2023 Status: Agency notified

1 vote

Property transfer sales data New

Quotable Value Limited

Created: 21 Nov 2019  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified

16 votes

Property sale transaction data. New

Quotable Value Limited

Created: 29 Feb 2016  —  Modified 29 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified

63 votes

Bulk sale price data for individual houses

Quotable Value Limited

Created: 13 Jul 2014  —  Modified 16 Dec 2023 Status: Agency responded (21 Jul 2014) Response: Data not available for release

75 votes

Quotable value Par_ID to VNZ Match New

Quotable Value Limited

Created: 28 Jun 2011  —  Modified 12 Jun 2023 Status: Agency notified

14 votes

Property & Rating Valuation Data

Quotable Value Limited

Created: 6 Apr 2011  —  Modified 27 Jul 2024 Status: Agency responded (15 Apr 2011) Response: Data not suitable for release

179 votes
