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33 results for Auckland council

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Councillor Voting Records for Auckland Council

Auckland Council

Created: 17 Aug 2016  —  Modified 1 Feb 2024 Status: Agency responded (22 Aug 2016) Response: Other

12 votes

Auckland Council Food Grades New

Auckland Council

Created: 10 Feb 2016  —  Modified 20 Oct 2017 Status: Agency notified

5 votes

Dog and Cat Auckland Council Registration list New

Auckland Council

Created: 11 Dec 2015  —  Modified 17 Nov 2023 Status: Agency notified

4 votes

Public Holidays New

Auckland Council

Created: 23 Jun 2015  —  Modified 26 May 2024 Status: Agency notified

14 votes

Building Permits Auckland New

Auckland Council

Created: 22 May 2015  —  Modified 1 Jul 2022 Status: Agency notified

10 votes

Parking locations and tariffs in Auckland

Auckland Council

Created: 14 May 2014  —  Modified 8 May 2016 Status: Agency responded (4 Jun 2014) Response: Data sent to requester

63 votes

Contamination Register Shape File New

Auckland Council

Created: 23 Jun 2012  —  Modified 24 May 2016 Status: Agency notified

16 votes
