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How New Zealand's data and information principles work together

This draft guide provides a high-level comparison of the data and information management principles in the New Zealand context, and applies a value lens to the principles.

This draft guide provides a high-level comparison of the data and information principles in the New Zealand government context, including their scope, and applies a value lens to the principles. The target audience for this guide is NZ government agencies.

We would like to express our gratitude to Pam Madgwick of InfoRethink for creating this guide for the Open Data Programme.

Read the draft guide on how New Zealand's data and information principles work together here

Have your say

This is a draft guide intended to generate discussion on the guide's content and to stimulate the creation of a new and better guide. We need your feedback and suggestions for improvements. Are there any other principles or frameworks that need to be included? Do you have questions you would like answered in the guide? Join the discussion on Loomio or email 

Related guide 

An overview of data and information principles