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5 results for Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

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letter of support for nomination of Supt Rakesh Naidoo MNZM on Kings B'day New

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Created: 5 Jun 2023  —  Modified 7 Jun 2023 Status: Agency notified (7 Jun 2023)

0 votes

Raymond file.f,ldf,sdf file New

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Created: 22 Feb 2023  —  Modified 4 Jun 2024 Status: Agency notified

0 votes

Covid-19 tracing effectiveness New

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Created: 6 Sep 2020  —  Modified 14 Sep 2020 Status: Agency notified

1 vote

Cabinet Papers for all Government departments

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Created: 25 Oct 2019  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency responded (19 Nov 2019) Response: Other

1 vote

Ministerial List New

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Created: 14 Jul 2013  —  Modified 12 Apr 2024 Status: Agency notified

12 votes
