Data has the power to change lives and create better outcomes for New Zealanders by informing government policy and decision-making.
The Government Chief Data Steward (GCDS) is committed to supporting and empowering agencies to use data more effectively.
Government holds a vast amount of data on behalf of New Zealanders. This data has the potential to be a valuable asset both for government, and outside of government, to drive innovation while contributing to economic, social and environmental progress.
Ensuring data security, and protection of privacy and confidentiality, data can provide valuable insights about ourselves and our communities as we continue to foster New Zealand's trust, confidence, and integrity.
The GCDS plays an important role to support the government's priority of gaining more value from data by facilitating and enabling an inclusive, joined-up approach to set standards and establish common capabilities across government, as well as developing data policies, infrastructure, strategies, and planning. The key to maximising value from data is ensuring agencies have the right capabilities and skills.
In recognising data as a taonga for Māori, the GCDS stewards data responsibly with, and for, future generations. We’re working with Māori to help build data capability, access more data, and realise its value as a strategic asset.
At the heart of this work is transparency around how government uses the data it holds on behalf of New Zealanders.
Over recent years Ministers and Officials have sought the GCDS’s view on government investment in data. The Data Investment Framework (Framework) was created to guide the way investment in the data system could be made to deliver to government priorities, while also building the foundations required to ensure New Zealand’s data system can meet future needs.
The framework underpins the Data Investment Plan which is a 10-year prioritised plan for investing in data needed to inform decision-making by government and New Zealanders.
The GCDS assesses data-related budget bids against the Framework and the Data Investment Plan's priorities. Following this, advice is provided to The Treasury on data system investment, for potential inclusion in their budget advice to Ministers.
The GCDS partnered with agencies across government to develop the framework, focusing on the future needs of the data system.The GCDS partnered with agencies across government to develop the framework, focusing on the future needs of the data system.
The Framework guides what data-related initiatives government should invest in, and is informed by:
The Framework is used to achieve a data system:
The critical system issues were grouped by theme to create the following focus areas for investment (the interventions part of the Framework):
If you'd like more information, have a question, or want to provide feedback, email
Content last reviewed October 25 2022.