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Data Investment Plan

This page provides a brief overview of the Data Investment Plan (the Plan), published by the Government Chief Data Steward in December 2022. The Data Investment Plan supports a more systematic approach to government investment in data.

What is the Data Investment Plan?

The Data Investment Plan is a prioritised plan to guide government investment in data. 

Government Data Investment Plan 2022 – full report [PDF 2.2 MB]

The Plan supports a more co-ordinated and systematic approach to data investment by:

  • helping agencies to make baseline-funding investment decisions about new and existing assets
  • helping agencies to identify opportunities to develop Budget bids
  • supporting Ministers and system leads (Treasury, Government Chief Data Steward, Government Chief Digital Officer, and Government Chief Information Security Officer) to better understand the data asset investment environment.

The first iteration of the Data Investment Plan was commissioned by the Government Chief Data Steward and published by Stats NZ in December 2021.

Data Investment Plan 2021 [PDF 825KB]

Where are we now?

New Zealand’s government data system has many strengths, including robust statistical design, data standards, and a reliable range of datasets.

However, there are also gaps and areas for improvement. These limit how the data system supports government, community, and individual decision-making.

Problems identified by the Data Investment Plan include:

  • inconsistent, duplicate, and patchy data
  • critical gaps where no single programme has been able to make a case for investment
  • delayed investments – despite it sometimes taking 10 years to build a data set
  • issues that impact on the interoperability, accuracy, and reliability of the data system.

The second iteration of the Data Investment Plan has been published. It includes the results of broader consultation with iwi-Māori on Māori data needs, leading to a shift in the prioritisation of some data assets and the way data assets are defined. The shift has refined the Plan’s scope, taking it beyond gaps in data sets towards foundational elements needed to enable and support Māori to have better access to critical data.

The Plan also provides a detailed view of the top 33 investment opportunities, the proposed delivery across a 3-year horizon (2023 - 2025), and investment estimates.

You can view Cabinet papers and Minutes of decision relating to the development of the Data Investment Plan on the Stats NZ website.

Cabinet papers and Minutes

How does the Plan link to the Government Data Strategy and Roadmap 2021?

The Government Data Strategy and Roadmap 2021 offers a shared direction and plan for Aotearoa NZ's government data system. The Strategy provides a flexible foundation for agencies to work together and align their data initiatives. 

The project to create this Data Investment Plan is a key action within the Strategy’s data focus area.

The Data Investment Plan is a companion document to the Strategy and should be read alongside it.

Government Data Strategy and Roadmap 2021.

Contact us

If you'd like more information, have a question, or want to provide feedback, email

Content last reviewed December 14 2022.
