I would like an excel sheet with all public holiday dates from 1986 to 2030. I would like the provincial anniversary dates to be in a seperate coloum or have a specific naming convention so I can filter these.
I am currently automating some of our work in the Tenancy compliance and investigations team at MBIE and would like to use this data to enable our working day calculator. The benifit of this will be less reliance on manual work for our national team and hence more productivity. This will also directly translate to more value for all stakeholders.
Decreasing total hours spent on manual calculations and increasing productivity and accuracy by being able to use a calculator for working days.
Request received
Kia Ora , Stats Nz does not collect this data I suggest you try the following : https://www.govt.nz/browse/work/public-holidays-and-work/public-holidays-and-anniversary-dates/ History: https://nzhistory.govt.nz/keyword/public-holidays Kind Regards Nga Mihi Information centre Data Services
11 Votes
Agency notified
Information Adviser (Statistics New Zealand)
Kia Ora Thais ,
Stats Nz does not publish/collect this data I suggest you try the following :
Kind Regards
Nga Mihi
Information Adviser
Hi all,
I'd like to get a list with NZ public holidays, please.