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New Zealand crime map

Database of police crime records, location, time, suburb, areas, and other information

understanding the landscape of crimes in Aotearoa to give a high-level view of how crimes are populated in the whole of New Zealand.
This can also create a visual report from suburb to suburb to give more specificity to where CAN policing is more needed.

Create a visual representation of the data of crimes
Create a better understanding of where can police focus their forces based on the pattern of the data

Response from
New Zealand Police

Preparing data for release


  • Kaydence McDaniel

    I have plans on moving here and I want to see where the safest place is

  • Darlene Dietrich

    It has nothing to do with Tangata Whenua.

    What it gives the police and the public is to have a visual pattern of what is happening in their local area or suburb, understanding the behaviour of the crimes will make the policing so much better.

    It will also give the police a better way to look at what times did crimes happen and what action can they do in order to prevent that.

    As crime rate increases, the higher the visual pattern it can give to the police, the better. 105 doesn't really help at all, let's be honest. You can prevent crime from understanding its pattern and any of these data will solely help ALL people from the walks of life.

    Imagine if the crime rate is reported and happening often and being shown as in a visual format, easy to understand rather than an old excel file or hard copy documents, it will save a lot of people because police can get a pattern on what time, what day, what month, how often, how recent, what are the crimes, what are the cases, where are the areas...

    You don't know what will happen until you are the one who been hit with these crimes and lost someone from your life.

    But this could be use to avoid the perpetrators by understanding its habit.

  • jackie kevin paul

    really so where is the soverenty in tangatawhenua purching whenua,??????????


