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History of the Prince of Wale hotel, Dunedin

We are looking for the title and any infomation of the Owner/Hotel licensee of the Prince of Wales, 474 Princes street , Dunedin. The liecenee name was "George Davis" . He had the pub from 1862 - 1864 Any infomation that you can find would be much appreciated. If this is not the place to find this infomation we would appreciate advice who we should/could contact please.

History of this Licensee/Gentleman

We would understand who George Davis was and hopefully find infomation on where he went.

Response from
Dunedin City Council

Data does not exist

Despite an extensive search of our archives and electronic records we have been unable to locate any information relating to the Prince of Wales Hotel or George Davis. Therefore, pursuant to section 17(e) of the Local Government Official information and Meetings Act 1987 that the information does not exist your request is declined. As we have declined to provide the information requested you are advised that you have the right to seek a review of our decision by the Office of the Ombudsman.

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