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All cause mortality death rates in NZ

The figures of deaths in NZ on a monthly data set going back 5 years.

As a pastor trying to understand what I am observing in terms of increased death rates.

Helping personal understanding and form my leadership in the community

Response from
Ministry of Health

Request received

This data is available online from Stats NZ. The landing page is here:,deaths%20registered%2C%20up%20from%2033%2C486 The data is available from InfoShare: Select 'Population', 'Deaths -VSD', and then 'Month and year of death (monthly)' Weekly deaths data is available on Select the 'Health' tab, and 'Total deaths (all causes)' as the category.

1 Comment

  • Tracey Tawhiao

    As a mother knowing the data helps me make better decisions for my childrens wellbeing and my own.
