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QMAP Geology

QMAP geological data

Having to buy it from the organisation, ordering it from the organisation, trying to find the order form on the organisations website.

Allowing the public to self serve and download the data themselves as and when they require it.

Response from
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited

Data already listed

QMAP 1:250,000 Geological Map of New Zealand digital data are presently available:

1. As packaged CD datasets for regional areas (22 in total) at low cost through GNS Science's Publication Sales
2. Freely as OGC-compliant web map service layers (WMS) from the new seamless national coverage through
3. Freely through the geology web map applications at and

QMAP data are now covered under CC-BY licensing. For mandatory acknowledgement details see With the imminent release of the QMAP Seamless GIS digital data product (on DVD) we will be considering Esri vector format download options as well.

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