Could the Police Stolen Vehicle Database be amended to also include the location the vehicle was reported stolen in. (in more detail than the city currently stated) This would provide an insight into what areas have higher rates of theft.
This would provide an insight into what areas have higher rates of theft.
Investigating options
We will be looking at enhancements to the stolen vehicles database and will consider this.
9 Votes
Agency responded
2 Subscribers
Kathryn Wilson (New Zealand Police)
Kia ora Andrew
The dataset that is most accurate and appropriate for most uses remains available for public download on the Police website. Any individual, group or agency that would like access to further or more detailed information about stolen vehicles is welcome to request this from us, also via the Police website. At this time, Police do not plan to implement a full API for access to this data as it would be cost prohibitive for us to do so. If you have specific information about this topic that you would like to request from Police under the Official Information Act, you can make a request here:
Ngā mihi
Sarah (New Zealand Police)
Tēnā koe Mr Richards
I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request below, received by New Zealand Police on 4 May 2021.
Your request is being actioned pursuant to the OIA.
You can expect a response to your request on or before 1 June 2021.
Ngā mihi
Ministerial Services
New Zealand Police National Headquarters Wellington
Andrew Richards
Good Afternoon,
Can you please provide an update as to where things are at with this data set availability.
Given that this information is publicly available for manual download on the NZ Police website and automated feeds/datasets are currently being used by other third party organisations (Auror) making such data more openly and automatically available could only be in the best interest for recovery, prevention and safer communities together.
Andrew Richards
Could we please get an API integration to the stolen vehicle register so we can automatically maintain our Eastern district ALPR system