Data set containing all bills voted on by parliament, recording details of the issue/bill (date, name, abstract, URL to more data, etc.) which MPs voted and which vote (aye, nay [abstain?]) they each cast. I'm not sure if it's easier to try and collate this on a per-bill basis, or a per-MP basis.
Analysing MP voting records and parliamentary voting statistics.
Giving flexible access to raw voting record data to the general public
Data not available for release
Details of all votes taken in the House are recorded in the Journals of the House of Representatives, which are available at Vote information is not recorded in a database. Since 1996 most votes in the House have been party votes, where each party casts votes on behalf of its members present in the precincts or otherwise eligible to vote. Personal votes, where each member votes individually, are rare. When personal votes are held, each vote cast is recorded in the Journals. Information about when each bill passes each stage in the House is published on the detail page for each bill on the parliament website. A combined table that shows all bills for a parliament, and the dates on which each stage was completed, is published in hard copy in the Parliamentary Bulletin. We are currently investigating how this combined information could be published on the website.
102 Votes
Agency responded
Nicholas Hancox
Hi, could I please get the voting records of the COVID-19 Public Health Response Bill and additionally all subsequent amendments to the bill?
Thank you
Robin Thompson
Could I have the Voteing on the First reading of Cloe Swarbricks Bill. Please.
Sale and Supply of Alcohol.( Harm Minimisation Bill.)
Theresa HInes
I would like to know how voted against The Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill
Rimu Bhooi (Requester)
Kia ora e hoa mā!
I would like to access the Parliamentary voting records of the elected MPs in my electorate. Where can I find this information?
Sophie (Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives)
Hi Georgia! Your comment has been forwarded to us at Parliamentary Information Service. Please email with your request and we will get back to you.
Ngā mihi,
Georgia Brown
I'm writing a thesis essay on conscience voting in New Zealand and require a list of all bills that have been voted on via a conscience vote in the House. If this would be at all possible that would be amazing!
Ngā mihi,