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Transition from School to Tertiary

I am looking for the number of domestic school leavers that enrol in tertiary studies in New Zeland from 2010 to 2019. I would like to also know the school decile for each year. The tertiary institution can be broken down into Universities, Institutes of technology and polytechnics and Wānanga

I am completing my Master research and the study is looking at how many learners from each of the deciles actually enrol in higher education. Using Decile as a measure of the socio-economic position I want to determine whether the lower deciles schools have fewer learners enrolling in higher education over the ten year period.

By doing this research I hope to help Universities further understand this cohort that will allow them to better support learners in lower decile schools by providing scholarships and other mechanisms to encourage more learners from low decile schools to enrol in higher education

Response from
Ministry of Education

Dataset submitted

Good afternoon Devar, We've prepared the data you've requested and have it saved as a workbook in xlsx format. Please send us an email at and reference your ticket as EDK-11159, and we'll email you back the data. Kind regards, Benjamin Cline | Analyst | Information Requests

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